Thx for the link Bonk. However the problem remains.
Hypothetically, let's say the server runs for 3 weeks. Only 3 leadership challenges can be played. What happens when half a dozen Klingons challenge for leadership? It would be an obvious conflict of interests for the House Leader / RM to select the challengers.
Even if there were an arbitrary method of selecting a limited number of challengers, why should the others be deprived their right to challenge?
Diabolic scheming, treachery, and betrayal are fundamental Klingon traits - even among the race-nerfed TNG Klinks. It's a HUGE oversight to neglect assassination attempts in the context of a Klingon Civil War. So I assume these would have to be treated as additional challenges.
In the spirit of the server theme, I strongly suggest you modify the rules to allow any and all qualified challengers their rightful opportunity.
Thanks for reading this.
As one of the house leaders, I find need to comment.
Where were you on the days / weeks that Hooch sought out house leaders?Comeon, the house leaders haven't had a chance to prove themselves, and you're already basically looking to off one of them...

And if it's me, then I might as well surrender now, and let you finish up the drafting, trading, scheming etc. for House Kinshaya, as I know my Klingon ship-piloting skills are fairly ineffective, especially when placed against a pilot proficient in disruptor use. For further proof of that statement, please look at my usual race / role, which I intelligently kept prominently displayed underneath that ISC-purple D7 avatar I currently have on display...
TOS-Klingons, from my readings, always put the good of the Empire before personal gain. I thought the 3 house leaders were the 3 best choices to lead the Empire, otherwise there'd be more houses / combatants seeking the throne... And I thought all house members were, through the draft process, forced to support the leader they got until that leader is proven ineffective.
Am I really that ineffective, when I haven't even ran 1 mission on the live server yet? Or issued 1 order? Wrote 1 battle strategy? If so, I reference you to the bold-faced question I asked above...