1. One user will write "The Good" post, another will follow with "The Bad" and a third one with "The Ugly".
2. No one can post more than once in a "sequence", but you may post any time you like on different sequences.
3. You are allowed to can come up with a "Really Ugly" kicker post after "The Ugly" post.
4. Must be original, try not to recycle stuff if this thread goes really long I know it'll be tough but try hard.
4. No offensive, bad words or personal attacks will be permitted. Nuff said.
5. Adult stuff is permitted as long as you don't use direct/bad language, in other words try to keep it from going to the Hot and Spicey since I'm starting it here.
6. Have fun!
Good: You want to talk about sex with your boy.
Bad: He's spent the whole day in the tree house.
Ugly: He's thumbing through you dirty mags.
Good: You're daughter is taking dancing lessons
Bad: from a stripper.
Ugly: The stripper knows you.
Really ugly: your girl has fifty bucks in her bikini
I'll push this one along.
The Good: You found the perfect beer.