found this guy hilarious, hehehehehehe. He is correct though, as in Texas if someone's tree grows onto your property or over your fence or other part of your property, etc... that part is YOUR property to with as you please. Usually they cut the intruding branches off. This guy had much more serious problems as tree roots are very strong, they can go through cement easily, and are hard to dig up. In Austin the city has workers to inspect and take care of that, AND they use machines to turn it into mulch which is FREE to anyone that wants it!

I have the same problem with a trailer trash family that lives next door, not only is their big tree intruding on my property, it is growing all around the telephone, cable, power lines, etc... and is a THREAT. My biggest beef is one of my rose bushes is hurting as the tree blocks the available sunlight and roses need lots of nutrients and an average of 6 to 8 hours of sunlight.
I worked on refinishing some pieces of furniture months ago, I failed at it BIGTIME but at least I tried. To remove the paint and varnish I went to a private store instead of Home Depot, they sold me this bottle of yellow stuff that would be a terrorist's dream. It boils at 80 plus degrees and is very corrosive and explodes at higher temps! No ingredients label, nada, just a sticker with a skull and bones and the words "Peligroso" which means dangerous in English language. Well, I did a nightime secret ops and poured it on the bark near the ground, and it is working!

Next early morning that Chihuahua City has a rainy day forecast, I'm releasing a new secret ops mission thanks to the advice of the people on that site who care and my experiences with the safety and respect laws of our great country, AMERICA! I bought a huge amount of salt and before it rains at night or early, early morning when it is dark I'm unleashing my own shock and awe with "Operation Salt Shock and Awe.
The govt. does not care, the police do not care, and my trailer trash neighbors obviously have no respect for others, so this veteran is gonna do what he needs to do.
BTW, I do have some mighty fine, friendly and respectful neighbors with beautiful houses like mine, and they take care of their homes, trees and gardens. I do not feel like I'm being so bad, am I?
The city workers here SUCK! We have had a water leak in the street for over a month, and Chihuahua City is alwys crying about "We do not have enough water." Well duh, if you do not fix things ASAP then yeah, you lose water. They are finally doing something thanks to the wonderful Senora that lives across the street as she kept calling and bothering them until they got off their lazy arse and are working. Her husband is the kind of person that goes above and beyond the call of duty as he IDed a plumbing problem I had, and charged me NOTHING for the inspection or the temp repair. Then the owner of the house came to inspect and saw the improvements I had done, especially my rose garden surrounded with wood chips, and was so impressed he hired my neighbor, who in turn not only installed the best equipment available but also put up a rustproof metal shield over the equipment so the elements cannot destroy the equipment for YEARS and YEARS!

He is currently in Dallas, yes he has a Visa, and is doing work on a construction project up there. Those are the kind of Mexicans I would not mind seeing working side by side with us in America.

Back to the topic though, when people do not care, sometimes you have to take the initiative on your own, IMHO.