Got it. I downloaded the utility and it found something like 167 errors. Probably from all my attempts to get the game going. I had it fix the problems and I tried loading the game. Still no luck. But then I had a moment of inspiration: I found a program in my computer that is geared toward incompatibility problems. I ran it and so far SO FAR mind you, that seems to have fixed the problem. But now I have that minor problem again with the nonfunctional keys. So assuming I get home tonight and SFC OP is still working, I'll fix that minor problem. And just to clarify, I'm supposed to hit the Alt + Tab keys while I'm in the shipyards. Not that part of the game that gives you a tutorial about the Feds, Klingons, etc. but the part of the game where Iwould be choosing my vessels and the enemy vessels which I want to fight, correct?