Well, hopefully that's why he's going through Quicksilver's lead programmer, to have the utilities done that he was refering to.
Wasn't Heaven's Eagle wanting this to complete ShipEdit? If so, maybe he could do a SpritesEdit as well? Anyway, I knew that this would be good news to you. It's awesome... the source code is coming and we're going to get access to the spries.Q3 file as well. Things are looking very bright ahead. :woot:
I'm remembering the same thing that you are.. he was really wanting access to the sprites file so that he could do UI work through Shipedit. And if you remember the interface he had in there, you sure could see where a new radio button labelled "Choose" could've been right beside the UI graphic in each entry.
It is a morose point, but I sure could've seen where ShipEdit could've gone. :/ However, on the bright side, it does give room for new programmers to follow where they've led, and soon we'll have someone in doing that, no doubt there. :)