What the frell is wrong with y'all? John Chrichton is the smartest, sexiest, most sarcastic hero in any universe. He makes Jim Kirk look like a boy scout who couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag. Aeryn Sun is so fricken awesome I almost wish I was straight so I could appreciate her even more, and the rest of the gang's wackiness is pure frelling pleasure.
Dargo, his mixture of seriousness and wackiness is just perfect...and that TONGUE of his...wow. I for one really frelling enjoyed the episode where him and Chrichton became cartoons and did a great imitation of the roadrunner and coyote. I mean, how many shows can even think about making fun of themselves by making a cartoon episode?
For anyone who has watched the series somewhat faithfully, you'd know the John/Aeryn romance is never convenient, and there's ALWAYS something that gets in the way of them advancing to the next level. Who could forget when that freak 'twinned' Chrichton? Two identical John Crichton, both of them so EXACTLY alike there was no way to tell the difference at ALL. Then the crew got separated with some on Moiya and some on Talon. Aeryn was with one of the John's on Talon and ended up frelling him until he died destroying a Scaran dreadnought. When the two crews reunited with the surviving John Crichton, she had a lot of problems dealing with the living John, but eventually fell in love with him again (or admitted she still loved him since he was the same person). Then she finds out she's pregnant and things go downhill again...
Finally, in the last episode, we got to see John propose marriage and accept. I still remember watching that finale and smiling at how frelling perfect it was, the two of them in that rowboat on the water world, the way Dargo and Rigel described the scene to blind Chiana...and then they were blasted away. I screamed as loud as Dargo did in that episode...and ended up breaking that television when I kicked it off the stand...
Oh, and the overriding reason to enjoy Farscape...MUPPETS, MUPPETS, MUPPETS. Rigel is frelling funky as hell. I mean, his pomposity alone is hilarious, but add three stomachs that must be constantly kept full, his farting helium all the time, and his wonderful sense of timing all make him the most hilarious alien character in a while.
Dargo's tendency to bring Crichton down with a few well-placed words, or a grunt make him a wonderful foil for John's constant harangues. Sikozu provides that comic relief of the hopelessly lost genius. Grandma..well she's pretty wacky and ugly as hell. I loved that scene when she first hooked up with Crichton and crew. She distracted those guards by doing some strip-tease dancing and used her third eye to make the guards think she was a beautiful young woman. Meanwhile Crichton and Dargo snuck up behind them with rocks and knocked them over the head. John and Dargo didn't see the glamour she used, just the real her, and the boys' faces when she finished the strip-tease was absolutely priceless.
The enemies...got to love them as well. Scorpius/Harvey are great foils for John Crichton, both as enemy and as reluctant ally. The tension between them is wonderfully perfect. Crase was pretty damn good, and the Scarans are really good as bad guys.
I greatly enjoyed the opening battle sequence...I've been wanting to see something like that for a long, long time. Then there was the sight of the command carrier through the clouds..absolutely wonderful. If anyone thought the wedding would just happen...well you don't know Farscape. I fully expect the mini-series to end with the wedding being interrupted by...wormhole aliens sending Ben Sisko to pull Crichton out so he can save DS 9, only to have a First One show up and kidnap John to save Babylon 5, and then we get to see a miniseries of wormhole aliens and First Ones competing over Crichton while he tries to get away from both. (If you doubt that COULD happen...you don't know Farscape).