I finally managed to get my hands on a working copy of Windows XP, so now I have a slight dilemma when it comes to upgrading my old compaq 5000 desktop. Also, at the recomendations of those on this board I also found all the drivers I SHOULD need for my desktop, which I will most likely download tomorrow morning or afternoon between classes (56k at home, high speed wireless at school).
SO now it comes to this: should I load windows 2000 pro on my presario, or Wndows XP? Will I need to download windows drivers for XP like I would if i put windows 2kpro on?
Currently, I'm running Windows ME.
Also, is there a place I can go to download the windows updtates as a file, so I can DL from onto my iBook, burn a CD, then put them on my PC when I get home?