Topic: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.  (Read 3883 times)

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Offline Sirgod

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So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« on: October 14, 2004, 11:01:27 pm »
Haven't made any myself, But I know alot of you have Kids, and Such. Anything Special going on on the Halloween home Front?

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Offline kmelew

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2004, 11:05:59 pm »
My nephews have something called "Trunk Night" at their school.

Parents decorate the trunks of their cars and give out candy to the kids.  It's a fun and safe way for the kids to go trick-or-treating.  I have fun decorating the car.

I might "dress up" this year.  Let my beard grow out for two weeks and I can easily pass for Michael Moore!   ;D  :P
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2004, 11:08:51 pm »
LOL, That's too funny. Ironicly, I'm growing a Beard also. I have tried in the past, But the Cherokee Blood, and the Itching always made me stop after a few days. But It's been about 2 weeks now, And It's finaly coming in Pretty Even. Hell, I'm just Jealouse of Sethan and Capt. Mike.

Seriously the Trunk Night sounds like a fantastic idea. I think I'll call some of the local schools and suggest just this to them. That's a wonderfull idea.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2004, 11:53:27 pm »
for me nothing, i don't have children and there nothing really prepare for Halloween, nor anyother time of the year for us, i know that Christmas will be boring cause no place to go and no one will come to visit us, why should the do?, where just there nephew and niece  its not like we where family nor would i want to see them, anyway if i can get some money so i can buy present for Christmas.

Offline EE

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2004, 12:38:42 am »
I dont think I will be doing anything for halloween. Same with Thanksgiving and christmas.
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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2004, 12:40:33 am »
I dont celebrate Halloween. Most I do is keep a little candy for my nieces. My nephew is too old to trick or treat.

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Offline S'Raek

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2004, 01:11:11 am »
I'm not much for Halloween myself.  The wife and kids like getting dressed up though.  Well, maybe I should say wife and son since my 14 year-old daughter is much too cool to put on a costume.  :)  I think the wife was talking about having a Halloween party at the house for some of the neighborhood kids.  Give them something to do other than trick-or-treat. 

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Offline Chris SI

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2004, 01:53:41 pm »
Same old, same old.

She will take the boy trick or treating during the day, and drag me off to a party at night, and my costume will be what it always is, my old fatigues.
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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2004, 07:53:59 pm »
I figure I'll set up a series of ambush points to where I can steal candy from the kiddies. Unfortunately, my efforts last year resulting in the neighborhood children putting their lunch money together and buying a Bradley fighting vehicle.


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Offline Nemesis

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2004, 08:25:07 pm »
I figure I'll set up a series of ambush points to where I can steal candy from the kiddies. Unfortunately, my efforts last year resulting in the neighborhood children putting their lunch money together and buying a Bradley fighting vehicle.


Which will be a problem once they are old enough to drive.
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Offline Holocat

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2004, 08:32:28 pm »

step 1:  Buy candy.

step 2:  Hand out candy to children and teenagers that still think they're children*

step 2a:  Eat candy.

step 3: buy more candy.

step 4:  Eat more candy.

step 5:  Candy candy candy.

*assuming it isn't too cold by this day to go outside.  It's a fifty-fifty chance these past few years, even though the winter on adverage is so warm I wouldn't call it winter anymore.

Offline Iceman

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2004, 03:12:20 pm »
This is going to be first Halloween at college so it should prove interesting.  Expect a full after-action report on 11/1 or 11/2.
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Offline J. Carney

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2004, 04:12:55 pm »
This is going to be first Halloween at college so it should prove interesting.  Expect a full after-action report on 11/1 or 11/2.

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Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

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Offline Mentat Jon

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2004, 04:26:27 pm »
<-- is a Aux Policemen*( without pay) for a small town near Boston,my job wil be protecting schools from kids with soapbags and TP :)

My Man Hope to catch kids with eggs to I can fry them :)

its only 20 hrs a month,its a little bit I do to give back :) also its why I know cops so well :)
"The great questions of the day will be decided not by speeches or majority votes ...but by blood and iron." - Prince Otto Von Bismarck.

Offline J. Carney

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2004, 04:35:06 pm »
<-- is a Aux Policemen*( without pay) for a small town near Boston,my job wil be protecting schools from kids with soapbags and TP :)

My Man Hope to catch kids with eggs to I can fry them :)

its only 20 hrs a month,its a little bit I do to give back :) also its why I know cops so well :)

That's an admirable thing.

I'd liek to get on with the Aux Deputies of Sherriff's Possie down here, but my 60 hour a week schedule don't leave the time.
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

"Flag of Alabama I salute thee. To thee I pledge my allegiance, my service, and my life."

Offline Mentat Jon

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2004, 04:39:33 pm »
<-- is a Aux Policemen*( without pay) for a small town near Boston,my job wil be protecting schools from kids with soapbags and TP :)

My Man Hope to catch kids with eggs to I can fry them :)

its only 20 hrs a month,its a little bit I do to give back :) also its why I know cops so well :)

That's an admirable thing.

I'd liek to get on with the Aux Deputies of Sherriff's Possie down here, but my 60 hour a week schedule don't leave the time.

I work alot look lucky for me its a weekend thing, also I pick up  the big ticket things like the Boston marathon* it gos though the town I vol for. so I can not work the 20 hours sometimes, The Dep Chief knows im good for the big stuff, Marathon, 4th of July,  Walk for hunger Parades ect, :)
"The great questions of the day will be decided not by speeches or majority votes ...but by blood and iron." - Prince Otto Von Bismarck.

Offline J. Carney

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2004, 04:42:26 pm »
<-- is a Aux Policemen*( without pay) for a small town near Boston,my job wil be protecting schools from kids with soapbags and TP :)

My Man Hope to catch kids with eggs to I can fry them :)

its only 20 hrs a month,its a little bit I do to give back :) also its why I know cops so well :)

That's an admirable thing.

I'd liek to get on with the Aux Deputies of Sherriff's Possie down here, but my 60 hour a week schedule don't leave the time.

I work alot look lucky for me its a weekend thing, also I pick up  the big ticket things like the Boston marathon* it gos though the town I vol for. so I can not work the 20 hours sometimes, The Dep Chief knows im good for the big stuff, Marathon, 4th of July,  Walk for hunger Parades ect, :)

I want in because they use the reserve Deps to patrol the sidelines at the football games...

It'll get me in close to the cheergirls!
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

"Flag of Alabama I salute thee. To thee I pledge my allegiance, my service, and my life."

Offline AlienLXIX

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2004, 06:14:05 pm »
More than likely the family and I will go to my dad's place and go ToT and/or hand out (eat) candy.  Justin (my eldest) want's to go as a grunt since I found a set of his dad's BDUs.  Robert (the youngest) is going as a ninja.  Don't know what Ferret wants to be if anything but I usually go as a Dominatrix or a Witch.  It's fun and the kids have a blast.  I love seeing the little ones in their cute costumes and scareing the older kids is a blast.  Maybe I'll hang Ferret up . . .

:whip: I am a freak and no one can stop me!  MUAHAHAHAHAHA!  I've got a Ferret to spank!

I am not a bigot, I just hate people on an individual basis.

The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life. - President Teddy Roosevelt

Offline Sirgod

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2004, 06:30:09 pm »
<snip> Don't know what Ferret wants to be if anything but I usually go as a Dominatrix ...

No Alien for Halloween. Hall o Ween .  ;D

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline AlienLXIX

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Re: So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween.
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2004, 07:28:06 pm »
<snip> Don't know what Ferret wants to be if anything but I usually go as a Dominatrix ...

No Alien for Halloween. Hall o Ween .  ;D


You talking to me?  <innocent look> But I only dress up for one day!  REALLY!  <big wide brown eyes batting eyelashes>  I'm not a naughty bad girl all the time!

:whip: I am a freak and no one can stop me!  MUAHAHAHAHAHA!  I've got a Ferret to spank!

I am not a bigot, I just hate people on an individual basis.

The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life. - President Teddy Roosevelt