In Mexico they used old oil barrels with welded handles for garbage cans, kinda neat if ya ask me as MUCH more space available than our Yank trash cans.
Anyways, I removed all rust, used a rust preventer, layered with 3 coats of primer, and it is painted with 3 coats of spray paint in 3 different layers, the colors of the flag of Mexico, red, white and green.
I bought a stencil kit, that's the easy part, as I plan on painting sentences on the importance of recycling metal, plastics, and paper produts. My main problem was I had to print off the net the symbol for recycling, then copy and enlarge, then cut out myself on the paper with an exacto knife and make my own stencil kit. I'm ready to put it on a huge piece of thin and very flexible cardboard paper and trace trace the symbol to be cut then I can paint the symbol on the can. I suck at math, so could someone please figure out where I need to tape the paper stencil on the cardboard so it's dead center? I take pride in my projects and I'm a very firm believer in doing it right the first time though I also realize mistakes happen sometimes.
The cardboard is 50 inches from top to bottom, and is 65 inches across. My stencil paper I made for tracing is 21 1/2 inches from top to bottom, and is 28 inches across.
People helped me before with my rose garden, which by the way is the envy of Colonia Santa Rosa! Thanks to you guys and my research on perfect rose care.

Hope you math whizzes can help me out on this one, as after I get this done, and the educational sentences on the rest of the can, I plan on applying some clear coat, then it will be ready to be put out on display and used in front of the house!