Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials

Mini-updater for SFC:OP

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--- Quote from: F9thSochin on November 02, 2004, 05:08:32 am ---Can I confirm an installation order, I'm guessing at OP then mini installer

--- End quote ---
Definitely. I'm guessing patching after the mini-updater would undo some of the fixes... so patch first, then this tool.

Cool man..........ty ty

Thanks FS

Green: did it do what you needed it to do?

-- Luc

Tumulorum Fossor:
Great utility, FS.  As usual, yet ANOTHER FireSoul file that has essentially become the nonstandard standard.  :)

Good work!

Thanks (and yes, it seems to be doing what it's supposed to do, but I had already changed out my desktop icon to the appropriate link to StarFleetOP.exe before running the miniupdater, so I can't confirm that THAT step is being executed properly).



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