Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials
Mini-updater for SFC:OP
Ok. I've updated the mini-updater to recreate the SFC:OP startmenu icon with a shortcut that has the correct Start-In path set pointing to StarFleetOP.exe instead of SFCOP.exe.
.. can someone give this a try on their system and tell me how well it works for them?
-- Luc
OK stupid question time, I play SFC3 rather than OP, does this mini patch remove the need to change the access servers IP? Again sorry for the stupid question.
--- Quote from: F9thSochin on November 01, 2004, 06:47:23 am ---OK stupid question time, I play SFC3 rather than OP, does this mini patch remove the need to change the access servers IP? Again sorry for the stupid question.
--- End quote ---
1- it does it for you. It's not the first tool to do so, either. See :
2- This mini-patch is for SFC-OP only. There is no tool for SFC3 that I am aware of. Sorry?
Firesoul your a gent thank you, might start to play OP a bit more.
Can I confirm an installation order, I'm guessing at OP then mini installer
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