Topic: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!  (Read 1254 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« on: October 10, 2004, 10:15:41 am »

I found this guy hilarious, hehehehehehe. He is correct though, as in Texas if someone's tree grows onto your property or over your fence or other part of your property, etc... that part is YOUR property to with as you please. Usually they cut the intruding branches off. This guy had much more serious problems as tree roots are very strong, they can go through cement easily, and are hard to dig up. In Austin the city has workers to inspect and take care of that, AND they use machines to turn it into mulch which is FREE to anyone that wants it!  ;)

I have the same problem with a trailer trash family that lives next door, not only is their big tree intruding on my property, it is growing all around the telephone, cable, power lines, etc... and is a THREAT. My biggest beef is one of my rose bushes is hurting as the tree blocks the available sunlight and roses need lots of nutrients and an average of 6 to 8 hours of sunlight.

I worked on refinishing some pieces of furniture months ago, I failed at it BIGTIME but at least I tried. To remove the paint and varnish I went to a private store instead of Home Depot, they sold me this bottle of yellow stuff that would be a terrorist's dream. It boils at 80 plus degrees and is very corrosive and explodes at higher temps! No ingredients label, nada, just a sticker with a skull and bones and the words "Peligroso" which means dangerous in English language. Well, I did a nightime secret ops and poured it on the bark near the ground, and it is working!  :D

Next early morning that Chihuahua City has a rainy day forecast, I'm releasing a new secret ops mission thanks to the advice of the people on that site who care and my experiences with the safety and respect laws of our great country, AMERICA! I bought a huge amount of salt and before it rains at night or early, early morning when it is dark I'm unleashing my own shock and awe with "Operation Salt Shock and Awe.

The govt. does not care, the police do not care, and my trailer trash neighbors obviously have no respect for others, so this veteran is gonna do what he needs to do.

BTW, I do have some mighty fine, friendly and respectful neighbors with beautiful houses like mine, and they take care of their homes, trees and gardens. I do not feel like I'm being so bad, am I?

The city workers here SUCK! We have had a water leak in the street for over a month, and Chihuahua City is alwys crying about "We do not have enough water." Well duh, if you do not fix things ASAP then yeah, you lose water. They are finally doing something thanks to the wonderful Senora that lives across the street as she kept calling and bothering them until they got off their lazy arse and are working. Her husband is the kind of person that goes above and beyond the call of duty as he IDed a plumbing problem I had, and charged me NOTHING for the inspection or the temp repair. Then the owner of the house came to inspect and saw the improvements I had done, especially my rose garden surrounded with wood chips, and was so impressed he hired my neighbor, who in turn not only installed the best equipment available but also put up a rustproof metal shield over the equipment so the elements cannot destroy the equipment for YEARS and YEARS!  ;D He is currently in Dallas, yes he has a Visa, and is doing work on a construction project up there. Those are the kind of Mexicans I would not mind seeing working side by side with us in America.  ;)

Back to the topic though, when people do not care, sometimes you have to take the initiative on your own, IMHO.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2004, 10:41:57 am by Jack Morris »

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2004, 10:46:39 am »
I'm going to invite that Bill from San Diego to the forums. That guy cracked me up as if you read his story he states "Trees imported from Australia over 100 years ago, but they forgot to bring the Koala bears to eat them, idiots!" ROFLMAO  ;D

I'd be a tad pissed if someone told me "tough doo doo" yet their trees were destroying my deck and pool too! That's expensive stuff compared to a frigging tree, and also an infringement on property rights, IMHO.  >:(

Offline Bonk

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2004, 10:42:24 am »
BTW, I do have some mighty fine, friendly and respectful neighbors with beautiful houses like mine, and they take care of their homes, trees and gardens. I do not feel like I'm being so bad, am I?

You said it all right there Jack.

I have always found, and always will find the concept of ownership of the land itelf to be outright absurd. One of humanities classic misconceptions that leads to the majority of our troubles.

The concept of having to pay someone for space to live in is sick, twisted and downright evil.

It is a shame that the only true freedom our modern society affords is death.  :'(  (...even that has a f'ing price attached...)

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2004, 07:41:44 pm »
That's why the good lord invented flame throwers.

"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2004, 10:46:25 pm »
What would you have us do Bonk without land ownership? I can see it now, Arab terrorists coming to America for "free land" since there is no ownership. Even the Native American Indians, who had no concept of land ownership, still fought against people that encroached upon their territory, in other words, their "land."

We could just have no real estate ownership at all and run around and sheet and pee wherever we please and have sex in public whenever we please like the cavemen did.  ;D After all, noone can tell us it's not right, as there is could be no anti home privacy rights as there is no "land ownership."

For that matter, our own govt. a couple of times gave away "free land" and suddenly people had deeds to their "free land."

Offline Bonk

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2004, 09:04:39 am »
Ownership of land is purely imaginary. It cannot be owned, only defended by force, plain and simple. We are here for but a moment. Individual land ownership is still an absurd concept no matter how you cut it.

I respect your opinions and I'll say no more on the subject.

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2004, 09:25:31 am »
Rrrriiiiiiiiiiiiight... whatever ya say there, Bonk....

<steps out for a walk on land that he owns>

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2004, 09:29:23 am »
I also respect yours Bonk, but though we are here for only for a moment, we have our children and their children, etc... to think about. I do not want any of my family living in a dump. You are correct though.



P.S. I'm using salt water and solvent attacks near bottom of tree, so far only minimal progress is being made, I may have to do the 45 degree angle drilling technique and get a syringe and thin hose and inject some really toxic stuff directly into the tree as desert climate soil is a beech. Of course this is done at 3 through 5 in the morning, secret ops for this insomniac ya know...

Gotta admit though Bonk, if you paid for a deck and a pool and your neighbor was destroying it and told you "tough doo doo," you would be a lil bit pissed at the least, decks and pools are not cheap ya know!  ;D
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 07:12:01 pm by Jack Morris »

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: I have now decided to use chemical warfare on Mexico!
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2004, 05:33:02 am »
Salt takes up too much time, I found a much better and quicker chemical to use! The Mexicans are great home builders, there are homes here that are over 200 years old and look beautiful, they use cement or bricks (no wooden frames like in the U.S.) and either leave it like that and paint over it or they use cement plaster over the cement or bricks for decoration purposes. The workers with no intelligence use latex or acrylic paint instead of an oil based paint, so if you do not use an oil based paint (it soaks INTO the cement or brick, thus more protection) the other paints peel over time, and thus the need for a new paint job. So, you have to remove all of the old paint, then use a degreaser and scrub the cement or brick material, then before you paint you have to use an acid solution and apply and clean the cement or brick even more. All I know about this product is it is acidic, and even when you mix it with water and apply to the cement or bricks you can see white smoke and hear the hissing sound. Very powerful stuff indeed.

I did one nightime ops mission and poured one bottle mixed with 2 parts water around the tree, then I sprayed around the area with a wide light sprayer setting on my hose sprayer to help it get down to root level, already it is already getting brown leaves in some areas and the few weeds and grass surrounding the tree have died. Ya gotta love visiting a country with no OSHA or EPA standards (BTW that's why many American companies run factories here instead of the U.S., besides the less expensive labor).  ;D They should adopt some kind of standard besides warning labels, one example is a powder for rose plagues and insects that eat rose bushes made by a company called Happy Flower here in Mexico. It clearly states to wear a mask and goggles during application as it is HIGHLY toxic. In case of "accidental" inhalation? Hope you have atropine at your house or office building, cause all someone has to do is shake that powder into your air condition intake fan and you are DEAD unless you have atropine in your house or office, last time I looked, not many besides the military NBC rooms do...