Topic: EVIL ALIEN NAZIS!  (Read 3324 times)

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« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2004, 11:55:42 am »
Smartest thing, IMHO, that anyone ever did in Sci-Fi is to own their own franchise, like what G. Lucas did with the StarWars films.  He has full and complete control over the Star Wars franchise.  You can't make a comic book or game without his stamp of approval.  Consequently, he has mapped out 60 years of the SW universe in pretty good detail espeically the 37 years between Phantom Menance film and Return of the Jedi film.

If only Gene Rodenberry had been an owner of the Star Trek franchise instead of being an "employee" of Paramount then the continuity issues would have gone away.

Oh well, look on the bright side. Daniels is dead. For now anyway, until they hit the timeline reset button.  He's been "dead" before. ;)

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« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2004, 12:01:11 pm »
   I could't agree with more el Karnak and it should of been in is will that those in control of Strek trek Franchise be Majel Roddenberry,William Shatner and Leneord Nimoy.


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« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2004, 12:10:18 pm »
   I could't agree with more el Karnak and it should of been in is will that those in control of Strek trek Franchise be Majel Roddenberry,William Shatner and Leneord Nimoy.

Yeah, Lucas was really lucky that his low-budget Star Wars film in 1977 was a real hit, but then he made his own luck by becoming a millionaire by age 28 with his previous filmwork so he was in a position to make Fox simply a distributor and not a franchise owner.  It's quite a neat story of enterpreneurship when you think about it. I remember reading that the first UK film crew used for the first SW film in Tunisia and London were making "you are crazy" finger movements behind G. Lucas' back. :lol:

Anyway, I get the general sense now that Paramount did some screaming last Spring and let it be known the B&B are not doing the job. Just imagine the Paramount executives discussing over power lunches how they are going to have to dramatically cut the rights fees per espisode in order to avoid ST:Enterprise cancellation.  If that does not get B&B in hot water then nothing will. *snicker*

I heard rumors that the next ST film might focus on the first Earth-Romulan War.  If Manny Coto can get Enterprise to lead into such a movie then maybe Paramount will be seeing happy $$$$ days again. Cuz, one thing is for sure, with the Lord of the Rings films done, LucasFilm is gonna simply own the Sci-Fi money tree in 2005 with the Episode III:ROTS film coming out.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 12:22:18 pm by el-Karnak »