I will not go public with details, but we have a long time forum member and SFC player who is in dire need of spare change right now. I'm helping but cannot do it alone, anybody else interested in finding out who this person is and the details?
Just PM Barabbas or TheShadow for details. Or go to Ten Forward or H&S for more info, but nothing personal, that is for the person involved and Barabbas and TheShadow as they agreed to administer a dynaverse "emergency loan fund" that so far only a few have contributed to.

Thanks a lot, and yes, I miss campaigning, it's just right now with estate stuff and internet security I cannot afford to open myself up to the net to participate.
Again, thanks for reading this and I hope everyone is doing well.
JM, A.K.A. "The ex-sauce monster."

P.S. I also use the post office for money transfers, as I do not trust checks anymore because if it bounces YOU pay the price, not the sender. The U.S. post office can have the money transferred to the receiver's post office in 15 minutes!