Topic: F&E Map and campaigns for SFC  (Read 1900 times)

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Offline Nerroth

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F&E Map and campaigns for SFC
« on: October 11, 2004, 08:54:46 am »
Hi all,

I was curious as to whether anyone has developed a proper map based on Federation and Empire for the campaigns in SFC2(either version), including neutral territory for the LDR, THolians and WYN, the off-map areas such as the Old Colonies and the ISC Distant Zone, as well as the F&E province boundaries and capital/planet/province based economic system for the empires, as well as OBs for the various races based on those in the aforementioned strtegy board game?

I would far rather have a proper F&E map, the actual fleets as operated in the General war and the ISC War of Pacification, as well as overall fleet deployments on the strategy board so when a province is captured or contested it is done in a more centrally-coordinated affair than it is at the moment (and since it only takes one ship unopposed in a province to capture it, it still leaves those flying solo in the game to have fun) and when planetary or starbase assaults are made they use actual fleets to do so, allowing the individual player to tag along if one is in the area (perhaps the nature of your missions becomes more restricted as you gain in rank and responsibility, as you have to stay with your fleet or follow your admiral's orders, or should you become an admiral you have to listen to HQ as regards which planet you plant the flag on or which base you smash)

Also, the capital hexes could be as they are in F&E, with the homeworld possessing the main fleet yards (so if a certain class of ship only becomes operational in a certian year, you can bag one - with the right Prestige - if you are at the homeworld, but they are slower in trickling down to the outer starbases so take a bit longer to pick up)

Hell, let's whip out the MBs (and SPBATS for the ISC) and cook up a full F&E scenario mode for this - ideally one that actually lets you control the whole of your empire or alliance as well as fly the ships if you wish, a la Rome: Total War...

OK so this stuff may require the source code, and people who would actually have an interest in doing this, but hey...


PS One thing, if it is possible to have each individual Cartel in OP modded to a different set of ship designs, one could throw in the THolians, LDR, WYN, Andromedans and so on and still leave at least one of the Orion cartels in. Is this possible?

Omega and Magellanic fan.

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Re: F&E Map and campaigns for SFC
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2004, 10:01:42 am »
Yes, Castrin used it on one of the "Empires" servers.   I'm not 100% certain who created it though or where/if it is available for download.
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Offline Bonk

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Re: F&E Map and campaigns for SFC
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2004, 11:12:38 am »
I used the "General War" map here:

as a starting point for the map I'm using on Classic War.
It needed to be updated to OP and a few other fixes, some fixes and work remain to actually complete it.

here is an image of the map: (scroll right at the bottom of the post to see it all)

and a link to my latest copy (binary - still needs work as mentioned): here

Off map-areas etc will be tough to do without the source as you indicated.

PS One thing, if it is possible to have each individual Cartel in OP modded to a different set of ship designs, one could throw in the THolians, LDR, WYN, Andromedans and so on and still leave at least one of the Orion cartels in. Is this possible?

You might want to take a look at my SFB OP 04 mod here:
or here:

P.S. here's a map that I believe is the map Castrin used on Empires (or an earlier version of it - not sure of original source): here

P.S. also still working on a stable SQL server config that will eventually allow a proper OoB.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2004, 11:30:47 am by Bonk »

Offline Nerroth

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Re: F&E Map and campaigns for SFC
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2004, 11:45:47 am »
Cool, thanks for the info.

A few more questions though:

* Is there a way one could use the parts of the OP mod which do not change the ship models for the eight empires? I want to have some of the other races replace some of the Orion factions, but not if it means losing the existing mods for the main eight.

* Perhaps you could put another row of hexes on top, and a column on each side, and fill in the offmap areas as shown in F&E, and figure out a way to restrict movement into them by non-race ships? Also, you have the WYN and LDR and Tholians missing, perhaps there is a similar way to show them as distinct neutrals, blocking movement into their territories. (I'm guessing that these are ideas which await the source code, but it can't hurt to suggest them...)

* Have you done a variant Y168 map, showing the distant Romulan provinces as unexplored (but awarding a bonus once you or another player takes a survey ship into the hexes of the province)? Indeed, is there a way to divide the hexes into provinces at all?

THanks again!

Omega and Magellanic fan.

Offline RazalYllib

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Re: F&E Map and campaigns for SFC
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2004, 11:01:17 pm »
I have several versions of the FnE map...latest version
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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: F&E Map and campaigns for SFC
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2004, 10:20:46 am »
I'm working on a map that has 14 empires and 2 cartels (one east, one west). Moving cartels to the empire's layer for the additional empires wasn't hard (Thanks to Bonk's help to get me started. :notworthy:. The problem as of now is that the hexes don't flip on the empire's layer for the cartels that are moved there. :banghead: I haven't given up on making it work yet though.
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Offline Nerroth

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Re: F&E Map and campaigns for SFC
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2004, 03:51:09 pm »

Now that the community is gearing up for the source code release, would it be possible to move this thread to the Source Code board (should anyone wish to pursue the idea of using the F&E map, figuring out how to rep the off-map areas, drawing on SFU Orders of Battle - if permissible - and allowing for strategic control of your race's fleets as well as letting one scrap it out - akin to Rome: Total War)?

Or should I start a new one over there?

Omega and Magellanic fan.