It has been so long since I have had a vacation that I forget what taking a break from real life is actually like.

Anyway, I am going to the Tactical Defense Institute in southern Ohio this weekend to take their pistol levels I-III. It looks as if I might be bored for a good bit of the first day but they really only like LEOs to start at a higher level. At least that is what they told me when I talked to them on the phone. And yes, I know part of why they told me that is to get more money from me. I'm not stupid after all.

Anyway, I plan on having a blast, pun intended.
Eventually I hope to take all 7 levels of training, or its equivalent somewhere else. My goal is to be more proficient with my weapon than the majority of the police are. Which isn't saying much in some cases. lol
Wish me luck. Oh, and play nice while I'm gone.