Topic: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen  (Read 1863 times)

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Offline Nerroth

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ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« on: October 10, 2004, 01:13:02 pm »
Hi all,

I was asking over at the ADB site as regards these questions, and they suggested I ask here, so here goes...

* Who creaed the Meskeen race for SFC2? They are not a part of the ISC in the SFB universe, so I imagine someone in Taldren cooked them up...

* Who currently owns the rights to the Meskeen as a race, and would they be willing to allow them to be shoe-horned into the SFB universe ISC, under a separate name? (The quadriplicate Veltressai are referred to as Meskeen quads so a new name for the race would be required, and if the Kzinti can go by the name of Mirak in SFC surely the other way around is possible)

* Now that Taldren are no longer among us, who owns the rights to the graphic designs of the ISC ships, logos and associated images (such as the image of the Parliament at Veltressa shown when one starts an ISC player campaign) as portrayed in SFC (indeed, for every other race and ship not already represented in a Paramount context, so including the Gorn BC and the Romulan SparrowHawk but not the Klingon 'Bird-of-Prey' E4 and the Excelsior-class BCE)?

Thank you for your time.

Omega and Magellanic fan.

Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2004, 10:29:05 am »
ummm  not sure about this totaly. This is a star trek game so i think Paramount pictures probably   has some kind of right to them. But like I  said im not totaly sure.

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2004, 10:52:00 am »
This is a very good question, as I have interest in using the Meskeen name in writing fiction. A google search of Meskeen shows (other than SFC) an islamic reference: Meskeen-someone in a worse financial condition than faqeer

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2004, 12:37:55 pm »
Gary Plana from ADB? 
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Nerroth

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2004, 01:22:48 pm »

Mr. Plana said that the only reference to the word Meskeen in the SFU ISC is that the Veltressai quads are known as Meskeen quads, so the SFC Meskeen would need a new name in the SFU.

I suggested Nerrothai, but didn't get a response...

Omega and Magellanic fan.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2004, 08:51:55 pm »
IIRC, it's Interplay.

From what I recall of the rights arraingements made, Paramount's rights trump all (Enterprise, Connie, Miranda, K'tinga, BoP (both Klink & Rommie), Excelsior etc.)
Then SFB's rights come into play (The SSDs that make up the shiplist are all ADBs property, with all the CAs, DNs, CLs, etc. that make it up)
Finally Interplay gets all that is not directly copywrighted by the other 2 parties.  Don't forget, the Gorn Stapler fleet was mandated by Interplay's use of flying staplers as Gorn in Klingon Academy... :(

Oh, the Meeskeen aren't created as generic replacements to the Veltrassi, cause Veltrassi are mentioned in the Manuals (EAWs and OPs) and OP hint guide.  If you read the SFC materials, the Meeskeen are a humanoid frog-race, who are long-lived, they grow throughout their entire life (elder Meeskeen are listed as 20+ feet), and they are nearly as arrogant as Humanity is (the trait that makes them the new captains and capable of fighting the SFC-style "pacification" war of conquest instead of the SFB-style "pacification" by blockade).

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline Nerroth

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2004, 04:34:38 am »

I am well aware of the disctinction of the Meskeen as shown in SFC and the Meskeen quads in the ADB SFU, that's the whole point of what I was trying to ascertain.

As regards putting them in SFB (or GPD), the reason why I mentioned the Meskeen quads is that the SFC Meskeen would have to be renamed a the name Meskeen is already being used by a sub-set of the Veltressai, I never suggested that the Veltressai have been airbrushed out of SFC (In order to know about the SFC Meskeen, I did read the manual...)

Omega and Magellanic fan.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2004, 08:04:33 am »
Granted, I'm one of the long-term SFC ISC around, but I'm not 100% familiar (due to not having all the books) with the SFB ISC.

Are you saying that Veltressai quad-links are called Meskeen in SFB?  If so, where's the reference to that, cause I haven't seen it yet.  My SFB collection consists of BS, AM, C 1-3, J, K, R 2-5, P6, along with Captain's logs 16,24,26 and the original Prime Directive rulebook.

Since I've never seen that (or missed it in every re-reading I've done on my ISC material), I always thought the SFC froggy-Meskeen were a complete invention of Taldren.  If they are a new race just using an ADB-sanctioned name, then you could have some fun there...

Just like the SFC Mirak are, at heart, renamed Kzinti, you could come up with a new name for the ISC's recently discovered Froggy-race, and include them into GPD that way.

Sorry for adding to the confusion...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline Nerroth

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Re: ISC ship and race rights - Meskeen
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2004, 09:49:07 am »

Gary Plana told me over at the ADB boards, he was saying that the frogs are not to be found in SFB, but when GURPS ISC is on the cards maybe one could try and ask very nicely if he will consider them... under a different name, of course.

Omega and Magellanic fan.