Topic: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."  (Read 9617 times)

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Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #60 on: November 10, 2004, 07:32:04 pm »
LOL, and Take It from Me, That Helmet Is sweaty as Hell.  ;D ;D ;D  The Tipman Fires Fast though, Very Fast.

Hell, the single player is so good that atimes my hands get really sweaty and we haven't gotten into the multiplayer.
 Yes the Tippy does fire fast but, not as fast as double weilded SMGs.
Muwahahahahahaha. :2gun:

Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #61 on: November 11, 2004, 03:46:13 am »
Ok so Alien has gotten her own copy for our other xbox. Woot!
So everyone who plays should be seeing us both on at times
Aliens Gamer tag: BastetLXIX
Mine is : FerretLXIX

I started the XENOCORP clan and will send invites to whomever is in XC or contacts me at the XC Forum which is linked in pg 2 of this thread.


Offline Captain Krenn

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2004, 08:44:26 am »
It was fun! 

Going to try and do it again tonight, I'll be playing City of Heroes, but I have MS Messenger set up to let me know when anyone on my buddy list is on. So
if you folks are game for a rematch... :)

Offline Captain Krenn

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #63 on: November 11, 2004, 09:07:44 am »
Hey Ferrit

I registered on the XC forums but account isn't active yet.

If you folks have room for an old Klink, I'd love to join you :)

Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #64 on: November 11, 2004, 06:27:21 pm »
Aloha evreyone ;D ;D ;D,
I have been working pretty hard on this HALO 2 XC thing and the latest reply from Frey on the stuff for the caln is..
Quote from: FA_Frey_XC
Well, I need to talk to the rest of XC Upper Command regarding re-activating his commission on the active duty roster...  :o

Seriously I mean he's a retired (honorably retired, I might add) so he's always been able to affix the _XC to his callsign.

I've created a new forums on the XC forums for Halo 2. I've made you a Moderator for it, and will make Dizzy one too when he let's me know he's registered.

We should talk to someone about getting a website up for XC's Halo2 clan / league.


Dizzy you are always welcome and I have sent you an invite for joining our clan.

See you on XBL.

Offline Captain Krenn

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2004, 10:21:53 am »
So far the single player game has been fun

The muliplayer is a blast too, even if I did feel like roadkill most of the time.

And Ferret, warn us when you let Alien take over for you in a fight, the girlish scream of joy coming over the
communicator as "Ferrit" plastered me all over the wall was a bit disorienting. :D

Or was that really you? ;)

And SG, you have an xbox and a live account yet? 

Offline AlienLXIX

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #66 on: November 15, 2004, 02:29:52 am »
So far the single player game has been fun

The muliplayer is a blast too, even if I did feel like roadkill most of the time.

And Ferret, warn us when you let Alien take over for you in a fight, the girlish scream of joy coming over the
communicator as "Ferrit" plastered me all over the wall was a bit disorienting. :D

Or was that really you? ;)

And SG, you have an xbox and a live account yet? 

Hehehe No it was I that splattered you all over the walls.  The big reason for the glee was because it was the first time I was playing Halo online. 

Would love to play with you again!

:whip: I am a freak and no one can stop me!  MUAHAHAHAHAHA!  I've got a Ferret to spank!

I am not a bigot, I just hate people on an individual basis.

The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life. - President Teddy Roosevelt

Offline Captain Krenn

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2004, 09:15:43 am »
hehe after Saturday night, I think its obvious I need much more practice.  :D

Got on late Saturday and played a few rounds with Ferret and Alien, got turned into
road pizza. 

I'm going to ask a dumb question, do you start with the rocked launchers?  I kept
picking up the shot gun and it occured to me I hadn't even checked if you had any
other weapons than the sword when you start.

Sorry I had to leave so soon, had a major headache going to begin with and the asprin
just didn't do the trick. 

Did you guys have your communiccator running?  Didn't hear you at all.

It was fun anyway, hopefully I'll get better at this!

Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #68 on: November 15, 2004, 10:05:25 pm »
hehe after Saturday night, I think its obvious I need much more practice.  :D

Got on late Saturday and played a few rounds with Ferret and Alien, got turned into
road pizza. 

I'm going to ask a dumb question, do you start with the rocked launchers?  I kept
picking up the shot gun and it occured to me I hadn't even checked if you had any
other weapons than the sword when you start.

Sorry I had to leave so soon, had a major headache going to begin with and the asprin
just didn't do the trick. 

Did you guys have your communiccator running?  Didn't hear you at all.

It was fun anyway, hopefully I'll get better at this!

No probs!  When you were on, I wasn't on though, it was my kid brothers in law and a friend who were using Alien's and my accounts.  The scenario you were playing was a custom Slayer round I call "Slice and boom".  You start off with the Convenant sword as a primary and the rocket launcher as the secondary.   I thought it was a good balance since there were heavy vehicles (tanks).  All vehicles are random and the main weapons youcan find are the double weilding weapons.  I just have to shorten the times between rounds though, since it was proving a bit to lengthy for some.

Offline Captain Krenn

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #69 on: November 17, 2004, 11:10:43 am »
Well the vehicles were death traps. 

You get in one and you have about 2 seconds before everyone with a rocket launcer
turns you into a smoking crater :)

Or that might have been me inexperiance again

Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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Re: Ferret's Bar and Grill"OHHHHH Yeha, X Box Live Subscribers get set..."
« Reply #70 on: November 18, 2004, 11:40:19 pm »
LOL!  Yeha, In the map you were playing in.  Too close of quarters for the heavy stuff.