Part of an article in the Bungie
sitePrepare Yourself: Getting Ready For Halo 2
Let's face it, the worst-prepared for Halo 2 you can be, is to not actually have the game. Or an Xbox. If you want to be super-prepared for Halo 2, you should pop down to the store and pick up an Xbox if you don't have one already. You could even pick up the Xbox Halo bundle.
Now there are a couple of things to consider for your preparedness on November 9 th (or Nov. 11th if you're in the UK ) and the first is this: Which version of the game do you want? There will be (in most world markets) two versions available; the Halo 2 Collector's Edition and plain old regular style. The Collector's Edition will include a DVD with outtakes, featurettes and behind the scenes footage of the game.
The Collector's Edition comes in a cool metal case, and may contain one or two other surprises. Naturally, it's a few dubloons more expensive than the regular one, but it might be worth it if you're a big fan or collector. Although we'll be making plenty of Collector's Editions, you'd probably sleep easier knowing you had one reserved, so check your local retailer for pre-order info.
Haven't pre-ordered yet? Don't worry too much, since there should be a good supply of Collector's Editions but they are being manufactured in limited numbers, so pre-ordering is the safest way to go. And if you miss the Collector's Edition, or simply don't want to pay a penny more than you have to, then you'll be pleased to hear that the game will be identical, no matter which box you buy.
You are going to need an excuse for taking a day off work or school. We do NOT advocate lying, unless you feel like it. And we do NOT advocate staying away from work for something as spurious as playing a video game, but let's face it, it is a well-known fact that over 30% of the population will be killed or injured by a falling grand piano, so it's wise to enjoy life before that, or an errant anvil crushes your dreams (and skull). It would be RIDICULOUS to work your fingers to the bone all your life, only to have Halo 2 cruelly snatched away from you by fate, simply because you were scared to play hooky. So here's a list of good excuses we've all used in the past.
1. Somebody died: It's mean-spirited and tempts fate, but NOBODY will question it. Make sure the person you choose hasn't died once already, or works at the local Starbucks.
2. You have a genital illness: Again, who's going to ask questions? Nobody is going to ask if it hurts, is flaking or leaking. They're going to shudder and wish you well.
3. Sugar in the gas tank: Claim some local punks put sugar in your gas tank because they hate freedom, or because you saved a kitten from their tattoo factory.
4. Parsons sent me to Iraq: Chances are that Parsons WILL send you somewhere crappy to do something awful, so this one has an air of legitimacy.
5. I'm having a meeting with YOUR boss: Say this to your supervisor at work and he or she will immediately become too paranoid to protest, or even question you.
6. Woman's Troubles: Obviously this is gender specific but if you're a lady and your boss or teacher is a dude, he won't even want to know what's up. You don't even have to specify. For all he knows, your "Woman's Troubles" could be like, acne.
7. Seafood: Don't volunteer the ingredient, but call in with diarrhea and when your boss inevitably asks what you ate last night, say "Clam kebabs and pickled shrimp eggs at an Afghani buffet."
The election is on November 2 nd , so make sure you vote, even if it's only for Ralph Nader. But get it out of the way. Note to Florida , make sure your votes are counted by at least like, November 7 th . And not to make light of things, but the only thing more important than democracy and freedom, is Shotgun CTF on Lockout.
It's going to happen anyway, you might as well get the paperwork started. And just think, this means you don't have to wear pants anymore.
First, stack your Friends List on Xbox Live, that means that on Day One, you'll have tons of instant-rivalries, and you can spam your friends list to bring people into your arranged Halo games. But real-life, flesh and blood friends might be just as useful, since some folks will want to play System Link anyway. Now that Halo 2 supports 16 players on System Link, with voice support and a screen for everyone who wants one, it's likely to be just as popular as in the original Halo. Maybe even more so!
You may also want to invite a buddy to play through in Campaign mode in co-op, so make sure you buddy up with someone with skills, and not that kid who wears the helmet and mittens from down the block.