"Fellow Delegates. A tragedy has occurred that started right here in the Galactic Senate when we approved the taxation of trade routes to the Outer Rim"
"I have a plan, we will roll back the tax cuts on the top 2% traders. Don't worry everyone, help is on the way!!".
"Impossible!! These proposals are preposterus. I submit that a commission be setup to investigate the truth of these so-called tax cuts..."
"I think we are going to have to accept economic control of the ballooning deficit for the time being".
"The republic is not what it once was, your majesty."
"You could try a vote of non-confidence..."
"I will look into the camera and promise not to raise taxes on the poverty-stricken Jedi".
"All the military jobs were out-sourced to the Jedi!!"
"I have a plan, we will add 2 army divisions to the service."
"I want everyone to know that we will not have a draft."
"OK, how about a Clone Army?"
"Stem cell research is not on the table"
"Our health care costs are rising and the new jobs play less than the old jobs that were lost. Even though the raw economic data may indicate that the new jobs are worth more. Anyway, that's my position."
"I will limit Jedi medical malpractice suit damage awards!! But, my opponent will not!! He even has a trial Jedi lawyer on his ticket!!"
"Everyone knows that malpractice suits only account for 1% of total medical costs. And, lawyers never use mind-tricks. I also have a plan for that."
"This supreme chancellor will not allow us to re-import spice from the cold unknown regions, so we all have to take one-way tickets outside the republic to get our drugs."
"I am concerned about the safety issues with regards to re-importing drugs that were manufactured in the republic. We also need to cap the liablity lawsuit damage awards there too."
"Dellow Felagates, mesa propose that wesa grant war powers to the bombad Supreme Chancellor."
"I love democracy, I really do..."
"Son, we don't read the bills when we vote on them."
"Members of the Senate, this is Michael Moore. I will now read you the full text of the Galactic Fatty Foods Act while circling the Galactic senate building in my ice cream speeder."
"I would have signed the assault gun ban bill, but our Senate leader Boba Fett shot the bill down....Oh, Durn it.."
Karnak looks up at ISC High Command guys.
"2 years of intelligence work and this is what you come up with? You want to pacify this galaxy? Are you #$#* crazy!!"
"Oh no, I am outta here!!"