Topic: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???  (Read 6972 times)

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Offline Sirgod

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2004, 06:36:10 pm »
Hey who let Mentant and Sethan in here?  Crimmy if it was you I want my share of the Single Malt....errr...I mean admission fee...... ;D

Actually good to see you guys still look in from time to time  :thumbsup:, perhaps we will catch you on a Dyna sometime...... :o

LOL, For some reason, I can imagine you guys seeing the Hot and Spicy guys as those accountant trolls on Dilbert.   ;D ;D ;D

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Sirgod

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2004, 10:21:04 pm »
If It wasn't off topic for you wonderfull Guys, what would you say to each other in Trekese as to the winning of the Debate tonight?


"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Dizzy

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2004, 02:46:09 am »
Damn peeps, hijacking my thread!

Two can play that game!

What is more interesting than who won the last debate, I thought, was Defense Minister Peter Struck's recent comment on sending troops to Iraq at some time in the far future. Sure, pal, let the United States and the coalition alliance partners roll out the red carpet for you AFTER we have made it safe. Oh, that and France's veto that Saddam bought.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2004, 02:58:15 am »
Damn peeps, hijacking my thread!

Two can play that game!

What is more interesting than who won the last debate, I thought, was Defense Minister Peter Struck's recent comment on sending troops to Iraq at some time in the far future. Sure, pal, let the United States and the coalition alliance partners roll out the red carpet for you AFTER we have made it safe. Oh, that and France's veto that Saddam bought.

Damn Right, No Green Gals for France, the UN , and anyone else who would suck from the American Teet.


PS. Green Gals,Hence the Obvious referance to Star Trek. Don't want to Tick anyone off.
"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Lepton

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2004, 01:15:53 pm »
Stephen, who was the mod in question that moved my thread?>

It was a DYNA peeps ONLY thread. I didnt want it muddied with the likes of all the hot n spicy peeps I dont know. I had purposely expressed this in my f*cking post. So it got moved cuz one person reported it?

What in the f*ck is wrong with this community to where we cant have a little f*ckING privacy? I dont and do not want access to that BS forum. Hot n Spicy can go sit on a flagpole and spin. I said it in my damned post. I said it cuz I wanted to keep it in the family. So only WE, the DYNA players could talk about it. It was an exclusive group thing. WTF!

Lepton needs to stfu and that rogue moderator who moved it needs to stfu and in fact HE/SHE needs to have their f*cking ass beaten with a hot n spicy stick.

Look, Stephen, I want my thread MOVED the hell back here. This is absolute bullsh*t. I'm gonna f*cking leave this community if we cant get cut a little slack from time to time. This is BS. I'm tired of people 'telling' on one another because the color of your hair is a little unusual.  >:(

Next f*cking thing thats gonna happen is that EVERY f*cking thread that doesnt directly relate to a dynaverse experience will get moved. This is absolutely stupid.

How many times are you going to cry that you are going to leave the community until people perceive that your behavior is childish and irrational.  You cry wolf so many times that no one gives a crap.   You left, you came back.  You left, you came back.  Yada, yada, yada.  Who cares?  Keep OT in OT.  You posted a very hot button topic.  You might as well have posted a poll on whether we should be in Iraq or not.  There is a place for such issues.  It isn't here.

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2004, 02:35:58 pm »
If It wasn't off topic for you wonderfull Guys, what would you say to each other in Trekese as to the winning of the Debate tonight?



We of the Gorn Confederation are peaceful to a fault (quiet, Warlock) and we are loathe to make military analogiesss with anything.  (Quiet, Warlock.)  However, there issss one military analogy that immediately presssentsss itssself in my memory.

Though it isss painful for a Bruce to remember, thisss debate put me in mind of the battle of Gorn Shima.  The Romulan warmongersss had made great gainsss in their firssst illegal war againsst usss, but we were on the verge of turning the tide.  Then the crussshing defeat at Gorn Shima sssealed our losss in that war.

Thusss it wasss in thisss debate lassst night.  (Geez, what isss it with Englissssh and all these sibilant sounds you make us ssstruggle with?)  Kerry had been behind, but had done well in two debates and wasss on the verge of staging a great comeback.  Then came lassst night, and Kerry got ssspanked like newb.  (Newb isss an approved SFC term, yesss?)

It wasss a bitter-sssweet moment for me.  Joy at ssseing a wissse ssstatesssman prevail, but pain at the memory of Gorn Shima.


"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2004, 03:51:51 pm »
Lepton, go see Dianna Troy for some treatment, plz. That is an order, sir. Your behavior of late is quite disturbing.


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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2004, 05:00:30 pm »
"Fellow Delegates. A tragedy has occurred that started right here in the Galactic Senate when we approved the taxation of trade routes to the Outer Rim"

"I have a plan, we will roll back the tax cuts on the top 2% traders. Don't worry everyone, help is on the way!!".

"Impossible!! These proposals are preposterus. I submit that a commission be setup to investigate the truth of these so-called tax cuts..."

"I think we are going to have to accept economic control of the ballooning deficit for the time being".

"The republic is not what it once was, your majesty."

"You could try a vote of non-confidence..."

"I will look into the camera and promise not to raise taxes on the poverty-stricken Jedi".

"All the military jobs were out-sourced to the Jedi!!"

"I have a plan, we will add 2 army divisions to the service."

"I want everyone to know that we will not have a draft."

"OK, how about a Clone Army?"

"Stem cell research is not on the table"

"Our health care costs are rising and the new jobs play less than the old jobs that were lost. Even though the raw economic data may indicate that the new jobs are worth more. Anyway, that's my position."

"I will limit Jedi medical malpractice suit damage awards!! But, my opponent will not!! He even has a trial Jedi lawyer on his ticket!!"

"Everyone knows that malpractice suits only account for 1% of total medical costs. And, lawyers never use mind-tricks. I also have a plan for that."

"This supreme chancellor will not allow us to re-import spice from the cold unknown regions, so we all have to take one-way tickets outside the republic to get our drugs."

"I am concerned about the safety issues with regards to re-importing drugs that were manufactured in the republic. We also need to cap the liablity lawsuit damage awards there too."

"Dellow Felagates, mesa propose that wesa grant war powers to the bombad Supreme Chancellor."

"I love democracy, I really do..."

"Son, we don't read the bills when we vote on them."

"Members of the Senate, this is Michael Moore. I will now read you the full text of the Galactic Fatty Foods Act while circling the Galactic senate building in my ice cream speeder."

"I would have signed the assault gun ban bill, but our Senate leader Boba Fett shot the bill down....Oh, Durn it.."

Karnak looks up at ISC High Command guys.

"2 years of intelligence work and this is what you come up with?  You want to pacify this galaxy? Are you #$#* crazy!!"

"Oh no, I am outta here!!"

:P :P
« Last Edit: October 15, 2004, 10:31:02 am by el-Karnak »

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2004, 05:21:29 pm »
"Fellow Delegates. A tragedy has occurred that started right here in the Galactic Senate when we approved the taxation of trade routes to the Outer Rim"

"I have a plan, we will roll back the tax cuts on the top 2% traders. Don't worry everyone, help is on the way!!".

"Impossible!! These proposals are preposterus. I submit that a commission be setup to investigate the truth of these so-called tax cuts..."

"I think we are going to have to accept economic control of the ballooning deficit for the time being".

"The republic is not what it once was, your majesty."

"You could try a vote of non-confidence..."

"I will look into the camera and promise not to raise taxes on the poverty-stricken Jedi".

"Alll the military jobs were out-sourced to the Jedi!!"

"I have a plan, we will add 2 army divisions to the service."

"I want everyone to know that we will not have a draft."

"OK, how about a Clone Army?"

"Stem cell research is not on the table"

"Our health care costs are rising and the new jobs play less than the old jobs that were lost. Even though the raw economic data may indicate that the new jobs are worth more. Anyway, that's my position."

"I will limit Jedi medical malpractice suit damage awards!! But, my opponent will not!! He even has a trial Jedi lawyer on his ticket!!"

"Everyone knows that malpractice suits only account for 1% of total medical costs. And, lawyers never use mind-tricks. I also have a plan for that."

"This supreme chancellor will not allow us to re-import spice from the cold unknown regions, so we all have take one-way tickets outside the republic to get our drugs."

"I am concerned about the safety issues about re-importing drugs that were manufactured in the republic. We also need to cap the liablity lawsuit damage awards there too."

"Dellow Felagates, mesa propose that wesa grant war powers to the bombad Supreme Chancellor."

"I love democracy, I really do..."

"Son, we don't read the bills when we vote on them."

"Member of the Senate, this is Michael Moore. I will now read you the full text of the Galactic Fatty Foods Act while circling the Galactic senate in my ice cream speeder."

"I would have signed the assault gun ban bill, but our Senate leader Boba Fett shot the bill down....Oh, Durn it.."

Karnak looks up at ISC High Command guys.

"2 years of intelligence work and this is what you come up with?  You want to pacify this galaxy? Are you #$#* crazy!!"

"Oh no, I am outta here!!"

:P :P


Offline Dizzy

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2004, 06:29:27 pm »

Offline Mentat Jon

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2004, 09:24:33 pm »
Lepton, go see Dianna Troy for some treatment, plz. That is an order, sir. Your behavior of late is quite disturbing.

Ok I dont want to  Hijack a thead but, Dianna Troy has to be the 2nd worse trek Charater in trek history.

* we know who IS the worst, I wong bring it up :)
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Offline Green

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2004, 10:46:43 am »

Ok I dont want to  Hijack a thead but, Dianna Troy has to be the 2nd worse trek Charater in trek history.
* we know who IS the worst, I wong bring it up :)

It is obvious who the worst one is, I agree.  But I don't agree that the Troy character is the second worse.  She does, after all, have 2 nice positive points.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: MOVED: Who won the Veep debate. Which moderator moved MY THREAD???
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2004, 03:13:41 pm »

Ok I dont want to  Hijack a thead but, Dianna Troy has to be the 2nd worse trek Charater in trek history.
* we know who IS the worst, I wong bring it up :)

It is obvious who the worst one is, I agree.  But I don't agree that the Troy character is the second worse.  She does, after all, have 2 nice positive points.

I always liked her Elbows also. <snicker>

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War