Damn, bro. That sucked. Dawn of war turned out to be a disapointment anyway. The game isnt as tactical as I'd have liked it to be in regards to the table top game, it has that damned build this to get that RTS fomula in it... sucks. That and the terrain is able to be ignored by weapons fire. Passes right thru it. Apparently terrain only limits movement. It's no SFC, cept in regards to its unfinished and unpatched state.
Likker, way I see it is I think you can go ahead and load the game with backup copies. Then just take the .exe hack to where u dont need the CD in the drive to play it and it should work fine, problem solved. This method still doesnt allow you a straight laced backup of the program... But oh well.
I'm still looking for a way to hack the securom copy protection. The .exe hack is the only thing I can find, but I havent tested fully wether u can load the game from a copy of the 3 discs and then use the .exe hack to play it. I loaded it with original discs and then just used the .exe hack...