Well folks It finally caught up with me. Last Friday Night I Suffered a Heart Attack/ Small Stroke. Nothing like having chest Pains, I would not even wish on Stalin. And at the same time loosing the use of my left arm
I got to the hospital in time (God there is nothing like Denial) I kept saying it was Acid Reflux. Oh and by the way I did not take a Ambulance to the hospital..... I took public transportation :blink:
Well After a few procedures, one operation, and three wonderfull sleepless nights in the hospital, I am back home. I have the use of my left arm back. but I have some rehabilitation to go to get the full use of my fingers on my left hand.
I am now the owner of two shunts in my heart and as of Saturday a whole new life style
I have Quit Smoking. Hell I don't even have the urge to smoke now. I guess it has to do with getting the CRAP scared out of me.
I have to loose 60 lbs. Just keep eating Hospital food and I should be down to weight in about 45 days
Well I'll check back in in a little while..... God these new meds are throwing me for a loop