Well, I feel there are different levels of social work...my wife is the Asst. Director of a local food bank, and what she does is very important to the community...but I feel there are those social workers who go for the "Feel Good" stuff, things that may make people feel better about themselves, thier heritage, etc, but don't motivate them to improve themselves and thier condition.
Project Hope Omaha not only gives out food for those that need it, they teach cooking, child raising, budget management, and will give references for job placement. They will also take in clients as volunteers, and teach them computer skills so they can compete on a leveler (not totally I admit) playing field. And while I know beginner jobs don't pay well, when does it. The idea is, you can improve yourself..
And BTW, those were only examples, I am hoping others will chime in..I also feel veterans should not have to pay taxes on thier retirement pay, and I hate states that tax military and civil service retirements, but not state worker retirements...am involved with a class action in NE right now, as this is exactly what is happening..we'll see