Topic: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!  (Read 23780 times)

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Re: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!
« Reply #100 on: January 26, 2005, 04:50:08 pm »
Any time that ANYONE offers recognition for community contributions someone is going to feel stepped on and overlooked.  The only negative comment that I've read in this thread is yours RG, and that probably doesn't surprise anyone.  This certainly isn't the first time you've expressed your feelings about outalance, and frankly it's starting to smack of jealousy.  Outalance members are getting recognition that you feel you deserve but never get.  I certainly am not the voice of outalance,  but I'm pretty confident that most feel the same as I do.  Make the models for yourself.  Share them with those who want them.  Don't hang your self esteem on the opinions of strangers.


Your comment sounds more negative than mine. I could care less about awards as I don't need the boost for self esteem. I don't base my esteem on my skill as a modeler. If I did I wouldn't have any self esteem ROFL. If you ask me your just trying to bait me. Just what the hell is negative about expressing an opinion? I don't feel I disrpected anyone.  Outalance is a monopoly.  If it works for you, great. One thing though, modelers use to be more open about sharing tips. It used to be common place. Since Outalance was formed it seams to me that the sharing of model pointers is kept inside Outalance. To some extent, I could care less as I like trouble shooting problems and coming up with my own solutions. That way what I do has a uniqueness to it. I have picked up lots of pointers in the past from the forum just like everyone else I imagine.

If I were to nominate 1 person in the entire forum it would be Wicked Zombie. He is all business. Only 170 posts, only posts about models. His work is professional level,  quality stuff. But saying that slights alot of other people. In fact I would hazzard a guess that WZ wouldn't even want  to be nominated. All the more reason he should be.

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Re: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!
« Reply #101 on: January 26, 2005, 11:07:13 pm »
sorry but i need to stop in on this. when i started, pre-outalance, it was manitobashipyards. alot of ppl had nowhere to go no help, thats what started it and thats how outalance is all about helping each other out and any one who else asks for help. if i ever feel that it starts going the other way u can be assured it would end there. as far as u go RED_GREEN u make some awesome models. very awesome models. and yes u deserve recognition for them. so please never feel like u r ever left out cause u arnt. and  the most important thing is make and make models. 

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Re: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!
« Reply #102 on: January 27, 2005, 04:08:30 am »
I've said it time and again........If it wasn't for Mani, NONE of this would ever have started. I actually miss the old site. I got my start there because of you. Is there a FOUNDERS award ??? I nominate Mani for it.
 ;D :thumbsup:

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Re: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!
« Reply #103 on: August 31, 2005, 06:40:19 pm »
Just out of curiosity at 0030 in the morning when I had nothing better to do I read this thread. This isn't the kind of thread that normally interests me, but meh.
Anyway, I digress. It struck me that when I returned after being away from this board for quite some time, maybe 6 months or so I returned to quite a different place, reading this thread reminded me of one of my first impressions: I thought I had come to the wrong site, because at the top of the models forum is a big stickied thread about one modeling group's workload.
'Interesting', I thought to myself, 'I thought that this wasn't "Outalance's" website/forum (didn't have a clue who/what they were then) - so why is something, (that in my mind that likes to normalise everything logically, remove duplication of data and have data sorted into the correct place) that clearly belongs on this modeling group's individual website, or indeed their own forum, on this forum?

Do other modeling groups display a workload schedule here? Can anyone actually name any other modeling groups? What kind of impression does it give to newbies that visit this forum?

I'd just like to point out that I am completely NOT anti-Outalance. I think that it is great that they operate together on the premise of spirit of co-operation, and I admire the way that they have replied to some of the posts in this thread that could have been handled very differently if they had 'hot heads'. However, I don't think that something that should be on their own website, should be at the very top of the model forum, stickied until the day that the server dies a death, or dynaverse is sucked into a black hole (whichever is the longer).

I just think that it gives off the wrong impression and I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings from that time, since they were resurrected by reading this thread.

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Re: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!
« Reply #104 on: January 30, 2006, 08:10:12 am »
As Owner and Director of OutaLance i Nominate one of the highest awards in dyna the
Titanium cross

i know its a huge award but not only has Sandman done a truely awsome job on her he has worked with dealing with a huge problem with his back please support this and give him something to pin under his name :P

As one of the founding members of Manitobshipyards and OutaLances #1  I second that. If anyone deserves an award of that magnitude Sandman does.

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Re: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!
« Reply #105 on: January 11, 2007, 11:58:20 pm »
What happened to the awards page ?  :'(

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: ATTN: ALL!!! Taldren Community Awards!!! - V2 NOW AVAILABLE!
« Reply #106 on: January 12, 2007, 07:21:49 am »
Which one is that?