Hours and hours spent yesterday working on PC problems. Sorry Stephen, I had to go back to IE, and I'm glad I did as I learned on that and most sites operate on IE for right now, maybe things will change next year. The security on IE pack 2 ROCKS BTW, but pack 2 takes a long time to download, so be patient, the company even warns you about it.
Both IE and Norton 2005 warned me that a worm was trying to enter my system, of course I blocked it! PC runs better but still is not what it was, or maybe is my imagination. I'm going to send Sethan a step by step SITREP and the results of each one, then I will inform you people of what is going on. We may have a new wormie trying to get around. I've been on the net since 1997 and NEVER experienced a virus or worm attack, now I know how all those other people felt, it SUCKS! I have better things to do than sit for hours and hours running diags and downloading stuff trying to figure out what in hades is going on. Now I know why Sethan and Kortez were kings in their day back when IT and LAN admin was a new skill to be had!
Until this is diagnosed properly I will not be e-mailing anyone, including family. I'm just wondering if it is safe to still post here?
BTW, it's not normal to have over 30 processes running and over 1500 process modules is it? Before all this crap happened recently I was used to Adaware telling me I had 16-19 processes running.
Also, I'm e-mailing Tenebril about Spycatcher, seems my man in black let me down when IE security and Norton did not. I also found that he was the RAM memory hog, NOT Norton 2005 anti-virus - anti-worm. I wasted over 30 bucks for nothing.