Julin, there is a new developing science in crystal microgravity that explores what happens to crystals in low to no gravity. STS 107 was coming down with a rather large experiment about it, but I guess we will have to wait till the next time.

You can look up on the net all sorts of cool things about this stuff. Apparently, Crystals that are grown in zero-G have zero flaws and zero sedimentation compared to earth grown crystals. True crystals (pure) can be grown only in space. The kinds of crystals that have zero sedimentation (and a myriad of other benefits to science) have scientists drooling from jewelry makers, medical practitioners, laser scientists and space materials scientists just to name a few.
So... take a stretch of the imagination and move a tad bit away from the been-there-done-that 'magma' tholians to 'crystaline' tholians. They grow their ships, mb? That could be the whole theme of this new fleet Brez is doing.
Afaic, those Tholian bases based off of a Dysons sphere is ridiculous. You cant move something like that. There is supposed to be a sun inside of it. It's a bit too much of a stretch to imagine tholians associated with something like that. When I think base or home planet for the thols, if crystal is the theme, then we go with a crystal looking home grown variety.
Anything else doesnt 'fit'.
If you guys want dysons sphere, or a tholian base that looks like magma, Brez has already made those models.
This is a new direction for thols, one that I welcome, and one that I feel better suits them for how I imagine them being. If you want a steel plated hull, or a coppertone finish, go shop in the Lyran or Klingon shipyards and bring along your favorite can of paint. But if you want something alien. Something new and unique that isnt from this galaxy, then go with Brez's new Crystalline mod. But thats just me.