Set #1, bottom left world, is the closest to Tholia's "Dyson sphere" in design. The one beef I have with that world is the texture.
No offense, but it looks like one or 2 "squares" of a texture-pattern repeated multiple times in a "band" pattern across the surface, looking like a mechanical Jupiter...
Somehow, and I think the colors you've chosen are influencing this, I see Tholia being a cross between a Borg ship and the Death Star.
I know it's a hard thing for me to explain verbally, trying to get the various "repeating" patterns of piping the Borg use "squished" and re-edited into a full-planet "random" texture to represent Tholia's surface... Come to think of it, the textures on set #3, bottom right (the one that has a crystalline center spiking out to metal strips) comes close, perhaps darken it up and add a few crystalline spikes etc. to pipe ends etc...
The Crystaline masses don't do it for me. Mainly because they don't have that spherical "planet" look to them. While it doesn't sound "original", making Tholia with crystalline "faceted" land masses in seas of magma might work, especially if you can find ways to make the planet luminescent, slightly brighter than a planet but not quite as bright as a sun...

You can even use color / textures to represent different aspects of crystalline life...