Group: Members
Posts: 18
Posted: Sep. 26 2004, 11:59 pm
Surprised no one else has posted this, VERY relevant to the future of ST:O
The following is taken from the Star Trek Gamers Directory this was Victor1st's announcement
Earlier on yesterday night sometime the go ahead was announced for the news about STAB to become public.
S.T.A.B is the Star Trek Advisory Board. A small group of trek gaming community leaders who will be essentially the middle men between Paramount and any game developers and the gaming community who likes to give as much feedback as they can. One of the many reasons for the launch of the Advisory Board was for news. The STAB will essentally become the eyes and ears of Parmaount/Perpetual and any new game developers and publishers who pop up in Star Trek gaming in the future.
Who is in STAB? There is only 2 right now. You'll know the following name...ChessMess. ChessMess has been around in the trek game world almost as long as i have. He runs the huge Universe network located at and also has Starfleet Command Universe, Bridge Commander Universe, Elite Force Universe and Armada Universe under his belt. Your all probably wondering who the second person's me (there goes the neighborhood) ROFL!
Right now thre is only 2 people in this, me and ChessMess. Harry Lang of Viacom Consumer Products (hes the head trek game guy) and a selection of Perpetual Entertainment staff are also in the small STAB group. There will be more people invited into it soon, but please dont send in requests...its not up to me or chessmess who gets added to this, its up to the gus at perpetual and Viacom/Paramount.
The deal with STAB is simple. To give the game devs and Paramount info which would help the development of new games, its also there to try and put a slow down on the massive juggernaut called rumour...and before anyone asks, me and chessmess had to sign an NDA so no, you cant get any late breaking news about the new online game.
The fleets have said they needed a voice in the world of the developing trek game, now they have one.
Everyone knows what i am like when it comes to news and views of the Star Trek game world. With the STGD being in the independant spot it has meant that i can get away with reporting someof the more...negatve aspects of what is happening in the trek game world. The first 2 community leaders to be involved and invited by Paramount and Perpetual couldnt have been better choices...Chessmess & Me (V1ctor1st) kinda like chalk and cheese really aint it
More news about STAB will be announced soon, but please remember, this group has only just been formed, so even i dont have all of the facts regarding what STAB will be doing.
Next up we have the announcement from Chessmess of, who is also in the advisory board.
Today marks the public announcement of the Star Trek Advisory Board! A board consisting of Star Trek gaming community leaders who will work with Perpetual Entertainment and Paramount to communicate with the gaming community on many aspects of the upcoming Star Trek Online MMORPG game. Perpetual Entertainment and Paramount are committed to making Star Trek Online an engaging and exciting gameplay experience and want to include the community as much as possible to make it happen!
STAB members will not only relay information about the game to the community, but also relay back the response of those features by the community back to Perpetual and Paramount representatives.
"Perpetual and Paramount already take the time to visit many Star Trek Online focused forums. They recognize and embrace the large fan base that Star Trek has developed over the years. However it can be challenging to be everywhere all the time. Now with the Star Trek Advisory Board they have more eyes and ears to which to hear the communities feedback and ideas! It really shows just how dedicated they are to involve the community from the ground up!" says ChessMess, founder of the Star Trek Gaming Universe ( ) network and member of the team that runs the first Star Trek Online fan site to exist - Star Trek Online Universe (
STAB members have signed NDA's so that they can be given advanced information on what is planned for Star Trek Online. They in turn will help provide feedback and ideas on that information directly to the developers, as well as help drive community discussion and awareness regarding the game. The advisory board is in its early stages and currently consists of ChessMess from the Star Trek Gaming Universe community ( and Victor from the Star Trek Gamers Directory ( ).
"Star Trek Online Universe ( will be featuring a bi-weekly round table discussion of information regarding Star Trek Online. It will be a very focused discussion on various aspects of the game that we currently know. The ideas and responses gathered in those discussions will be summarized and given to Perpetual Entertainment for review." says ChessMess. "It's efforts such as STAB that make efforts such as this really worthwhile. When people think their ideas and feelings won't be heard, they don't bother to express them. STAB is an effort to ensure that the community will in fact be heard. The community has said 'Please listen to us' many times and Perpetual and Paramount have responded in a big way with the formation of the advisory board!"
The Star Trek Gamers Directory - / Trek Gaming Universe - if vic is involved this game is done 4
the guys an azz
sorry for saying it but he is and give a dictator that kind of leadership will not b good for this community