Now for some real Klingon, insults
baQa' b'aka (expl! general invective) [may indicate surprise (I've also interpreted this to indicate anger with oneself: "baQa', I screwed up!!"
baktag Klingon word used as an insult, as in a "piece of baktag." ; its exact translation in unspecified; , possibly a variant of petaQ.
bIHnuch Klingon word meaning "coward."
Dor-sho-gha! Klingon curse used to express great frustration
forshak Worf provokes Thopok in Quark's bar: "Is there a pile of rotting forshak in here, or is it you?"
ghay'cha' general invective (expl!) [a weaker, less intense, possibly polite form of ghuy'cha'
ghuy'cha' guy'cha (expl!) ["Here's another word with strong force. A Klingon might say it after receiving an unsettling communique. It's a LOT stronger than the Terran `Darn it!'" (CK) Shows anger when things start going wrong; it's a stronger, more intense form of ghay'cha'
Ha'DIbaH Animal! (epithet) TKD - - verengan Ha'DIbaH Ferengi dog (a classic insult)
HuH bile (in humans, a bitter fluid secreted by the liver) PK, gall TKW, slime KCD - jagh lucharghlu'ta'bogh HuH ghopDu'lIj lungaSjaj May the bile of the vanquished (enemy) fill your hands! - HuH DaHutlh. You lack gall (bile).
Hu'tegh Damn! (excl! not v., a general invective) -
jay' intensely ["This word not only intensifies whatever is being said, it turns the whole phrase into an invective. Alone among the adverbials, jay' always comes at the end of the sentence."
k'pekt derogatory Klingon epithet
ko'tal derogatory Klingon epithet. korut epithet
lam be' epithet
maQDar mak'dar epithet
pahtk a Klingon insult, pronounced "pa-TAK" [pe-TAKKH].
petaQ p'tahk, pahtk, pahtak or p'tak (an insult, epithet) [The unofficial definition: useless; garbage; non-functional; generally unable to get anything done right.
plaQta' epithet; Kurn called his friend Largh a "piece of plaQta'"
qagh Sopbe'. This expression is used to to mean that there is something wrong with someone or that someone is acting suspiciously. It is also a way to refer to someone as a coward. For Klingons ... this is a rather mild dismissive remark, not a strong insult."
qoH a fool
Qa'Hom "titmouse"
QI'yaH *?!#@ (expl!) [One of the strongest, most foul Klingon expressions; it defies translation. Shows disgust or repulsion with a thing or situation
Qovpatlh (epithet) - [The unofficial definition: insignificant; beneath notice; useless due to worthlessness.
Qu'vatlh #*@!! (expl!) ["This is something you might hear someone say in moments of extreme anger. Shows extreme anger, has a rather broad meaning
taHqeq tahkeck (epithet) The unofficial definition: the person is dishonest/dishonorable, evil, obnoxious, devious, deceitful, and basically an unpleasant creature to deal with at all. No good qualities. "This must a serious thing, probably the strongest insult of all.
toDSaH tohzah (epithet) ["This is something one Klingon would call another if they weren't on the best of terms." "wimp, nerd, geek, suck-up"
toba' toh-pah or toba' (epithet)
tojo'Qa' Klingon expletive of frustration
tu'HomIraH T'oohomIrah (something useless), dunsel, "good-for-nothing" (epithet) -
va Phew! Pha! (expl!) ["The invective va is actually just a shortened form of Qu'vatlh."
veQ garbage, trash (v. woD); (as epithet) -
veQnuj (epithet) -
wejpuH Charming! (expl! used ironically)
yIntagh (expl!)[The unofficial definition: stupid; dumb as rocks. This is a direct attack at the intelligence of the victim. May have overtones of petaQ and toDSaH as well: soft, spoiled, and utterly useless, with stupidity as the overriding factor.
P.S. STFU still means I surrender