Topic: KCW Rules  (Read 6795 times)

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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2004, 06:52:22 pm »
One more thing I wanted to ask.

As the rules are now, all one has to do to avoid a challenge is to ignore the person challenging, i.e. no response to the challenge leaves it in limbo. Is this what you want and intend?

All players are members of a house, and so therefore must be aware of the rules (a player cannot simply log in without knowing there are rules). It is encumbant then on players to read the rules. When a challenge is issued, the challengee may be in mission, may be ghosted, or simply may have stepped away from the keyboard, and to penalise a player under those circumstances does not seem fair. It also becomes the responsibility of others within your house to alert their own team mates that a challenge has been issued. If someone is deliberately ignoring challenges, this will become apparent and the offending will be banned from the server. Disputes will be resolved by House leaders where players cannot resolve issues themselves.
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Offline Doomstone

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2004, 12:57:43 pm »

If you aren't including the cost of supplies, BPV is a lie as to a ships combat potential.

Correct. And this is especially true for Taldren's spacedock cost. Spacedock cost is based on Dyna Prestige Points, not BPV. IF it was ever intended to replace the BPV system, multiple generations of Mplayer/GSA league players can testify to it's horrible ineffectiveness in this regard.

When I have run & participated in Klingon vs. Klingon intra-fleet wars in the past (2 of them), we used SFB BPV cost of supplies to balance the combats. It worked.

Offline Doomstone

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Re: KCW Rules - Leader challenges
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2004, 01:07:50 pm »
Per the latest KCW rules, a House Leader cannot be challenged during the first week of the server. After a challenge, that leader is exempt from challenges for 7 days.

That means a House leader can only be challenged ONCE in the first 2 weeks of the campaign. How long is the campaign supposed to run???

If a D2 server clicks off 6 turns per hour, times 24 hrs in a day, that's 144 clicks per day on the stardate calendar. How much time does this actually represent?

It seems to me that one challenge per DAY would be much more realistic. And a lot less COWARDLY.

Offline _SSCF_Hooch

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Re: KCW Rules - Leader challenges
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2004, 02:53:03 pm »
Per the latest KCW rules, a House Leader cannot be challenged during the first week of the server. After a challenge, that leader is exempt from challenges for 7 days.

That means a House leader can only be challenged ONCE in the first 2 weeks of the campaign. How long is the campaign supposed to run???

If a D2 server clicks off 6 turns per hour, times 24 hrs in a day, that's 144 clicks per day on the stardate calendar. How much time does this actually represent?

It seems to me that one challenge per DAY would be much more realistic. And a lot less COWARDLY.

Due to some oversights we are tweaking the combat and house challenge rules.

The idea for a real time server has been booted since it would jack the shipyards up.