In hopes of seeing future servers use a draft ... maybe next time the trading part of the idea can be dropped and just a straight draft done.
I agree with Jaws. Can't say I care for this idea of trading.
I'll second that agreement. I personally think the drafting idea has been taken too far. It does not reflect the sensibilities of some players that really don't want to have their team chosen for them. A primary straight draft of the willing (ie. people that actually don't mind being drafted, NO TRADING PERIOD) and then just have an open server. People that don't like the draft can then just pick the team line-up they like.
This is a discussion that I was saving for the post-mortem on KCW when we could compare player numbers from KCW with numbers from non-draft dynas like GW series. But, since KCW is slow to start up, I jumped in.
Again, that's just my personal 2 cents on the drafting idea and has no bearing on EEK mission pack involvement on the KCW server and I'll provide any techie support needed for the missions on KCW. You could use EEK missions for a closed to GFL members server and I would not care.
BTW, did I mention we need more dynas with ISC in it. *snicker*
Ribbit, ribbit Baby.