As has been posted prior to this point:
J'inn, and only our esteemed Polar Mirak, shall be the one posting final rosters, at the conclusion of the trade period.
As this is a here-to-now never done thing, certain snafus have been encountered, and are being overcome as we speak. We expect the trading to continue apace, and be wrapping up within a couple of days or so. At that point, J'inn will be sent final rosters for him to do his job.
I am checking the trade conversations every chance I get, and am sure my fellow house leaders are doing the same. Due to scheduling and time-zone concerns, a full round of haggling can take the better part of 24 hours for the recipients to read, reply and counter-reply, and simple confirmations on proposals may take 8-10 hours.
We thank you for your patience, things definitely won't take this long when the server starts...