Tell only part of the story why don't you?
When the blushing bride finally showed up he had deadmansix with him.
After 3! failed attempts, dm6, struck blind by the bloating of his hydran "ship", gave up, failing to connect with the lithe Lyran.
Chuut finally worked up the courage to engage the intrepid coxman, pig.
Of course, by this time I was on number 16 of an 18 pack (what, you didn't think I would have an excuse?) and was slightly less than prime form...
So in the end, Chuut only received a light drubbing of what he trully deserved (and wanted!), but you know what they say about booze and amourous performance....
We will meat.. err meet again my little southern belle, look for the ISC named UN pig... I got a big load of plasma for you baby!