Thanks guys for the support! Sheesh, this fleet business is pretty cool!
Kaeyne, I think we talked about it before, but all too sparingly- I LOOOOOVVVE the Mythos, or at least Howie's version... Derleth did fine too, but it grew a Judeo-Christian swing after a time... which is fine, but his original vision of them had them as titanic primal forces, not able to be stopped by mere symbols. As so I thought, according to H.P. Lovecraft, The Ancient Ones/Old Ones could only be halted by the Elder Gods, but they were lost in/on Kadath.
If you want, you should contact Klingon Fanatic, he knows more about the Mythos than I do, and I thought I was a pro on it- he's a lot of fun to chat with too...
I always thought Azel's Hellions and Neophytes were pretty darn close to Mythos dieties/races.... they are very cthonic-looking. I have them all, if you want them sometime.
Keep in close touch, and visit Fleet, and some other guys... very friendly and fun place.