ok guys just looking at files here abit of time on my hands for once anyways
after looking around i found the racename files if i change these will they change ingame??
also the game has 15 races slots ingame how is they 24 list here? any ideas how to get the other showing
would make life easyer with more slots

so many races now
Name = "RaceNames"
// This is replacing the functionality of gFullRaceNames in Race.cpp
// If is not a substitute for [FullEmpireNames] in the server platform
0 = "United Federation of Planets"
1 = "Klingon Empire"
2 = "Romulan Star Empire"
3 = "Lyran Star Empire"
4 = "Hydran Kingdom"
5 = "Gorn Confederation"
6 = "Interstellar Concordium"
7 = "Mirak Star League"
8 = "Orion Cartel"
9 = "Korgath Cartel"
10 = "Prime Cartel"
11 = "TigerHeart Cartel"
12 = "BeastRaiders Cartel"
13 = "Syndicate Cartel"
14 = "WyldeFire Cartel"
15 = "Camboro Cartel"
16 = "Rogue Pirates"
17 = "Monster"
18 = "Tholian Holdfast"
19 = "Lyran Democratic League"
20 = "WYN Star Cluster"
21 = "Jindarian"
22 = "Andromedians"
23 = "Neutral"
24 = "Mirror"
25 = "All Races"