Topic: 5 playable races in SFC3-mod preview and new forum link  (Read 1243 times)

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5 playable races in SFC3-mod preview and new forum link
« on: September 23, 2004, 03:22:40 pm »
Sorta of by fudging :)  I am adding Romulans back into the Romulan slot. They will share the slot with the Lyrans. How I am trying to make each unique is by equipping the Romulans with Plasma. Only the Romulans come with plasma. They can refit to mytronic beam or shield inversion beam. However once plasma is removed, it can not be refitted. Plasma will do 26 damage, while mytronic and inversion do 12 and 13. Best to leave plasma on the Roms :).  Only the Roms will be able to refit cloaks.
While both Roms and Lyrans will share Mytronic beams, Shield inversion, tachyon and disruptors. Now the Roms and Lyrans also have entirly differnt arcs. Lyrans have 240 degren primaries comparde to mostly 60 degrees for the Rommies. Heavy arcs for Lyrans are 180 degrees compared to 15-30 degrees for the Rommies. All in an effort to make them feel like seperate races.

I still have weapons that are not being used in the mod. These are the K-photon and the gravimetric photon. If someone has cool retextures for these weapons to make them look unique and preferably not like photons but new weapons. I might be able to incorporate them in the mod. Though I am very near release( crosses fingers)

If this works out for the Romulan slot, I might try something similar a second slot. Perhaps Pirates/Gorn

Now a preview of ships added for Kingdoms II. Yea the pics are a bit small, oh well.

Thanks to Victor1 and Katherine over at STCD, I have a seperate forum listing under the mods section. Check it out here.  If you have suggestions or stuff to contribute, post it under the Rise of Kingdoms forum.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2004, 04:27:13 pm by guest »

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Offline Reverend

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Re: 5 playable races in SFC3-mod preview and new forum link
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 11:03:04 pm »
Very impressive ideas, even more impressive artwork. You're outdoing yourself each time!! Keep us posted!

Offline Red_Green

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Re: 5 playable races in SFC3-mod preview and new forum link
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2004, 03:49:46 am »
i can make you up a great gavatational torp if you want just give me a couple of days to get the right pictures using a laser and smoke (trust me very diffrent idea)

Sounds good only 1 problem. Someone made a cool poleron texture before and I used it but the game fired the default poleron anyway.
So I just tried changing the grvametrics to blue. Guess what? In game they are still green. Same thing with Plasma. The only thing I was able to get to change are disruptors. This is in 531. Apparently some patches have more weapons hard coded than others. So looks like I wouldn't be able to use it anyway, unless there is a work around. Why did they hardcode all those weapons-makes no sense.

Now for a pic of the Citadel. Again with ambient light at minimum. Ever notice how my Hydrans I showed were bright blue, this is the same textures. I always had ambient maxed before. The difference is fairly draamatic. Seems most people prefer less ambient so the lightng shows up better.

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"The universe hates you. Deal with it!"

Spoken by Harper in a 1st season episode of Andromeda.

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