Topic: Common cold cures?  (Read 1556 times)

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Offline Iceman

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Common cold cures?
« on: September 23, 2004, 08:41:24 am »
So, I've got a 'common cold', aka stuffy, coughing, sore throat, weak, etc etc etc.
What do you guys have to cure it? I'm in school right now so I can't afford to get sick. Ya see we've got 7 week terms (3 classes at a time) and in 3 weeks I'll be taking finals. Not something I want to be sick for.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 10:02:30 am »
Okay, just normal over the counter stuff.  It won't work immediately, but COULD clear it up within a week or less.

For a normal cure, get several bags of vitamin C drops.  The type which is 100% of vitamin C per day.  Take about 5 to 12 a day.  You might get diarrhetic, just so you know, but it WILL bolster up you immune system big time.

If that's not enough, there's Echinea (sp?) which ALSO bolsters up your system pretty strongly.  DO NOT take this for more than a month however.  It is STRONGER than Vitamin C overall.

Unsubstantiated in my experience (I haven't noticed much of a difference the one time I tried it) is also Zinc Tablets.  I don't have much experience with these so I couldn't tell you.

For relief whilst you are going through it and waiting for things to clear up, try Nyquil at night, but definately try Dayquil for the daytime.  It doesn't do a dang thing to cure it, but it does help clear things up greatly.

Also if it's a nasal cold or item of that arena, DO NOT ever suck it in, always bring tissues and blow ANYTHING out into a tissue.  By not doing this, you could cause a nasal passage to get bacteria and get infected hence making the problem worse.  You could also cause a backlog into your throat causing the bacteria to migrate downwards.  Of course if they already have done this and it's too late, you could also try a saltwater OR soapwater rinse.

Basically, you suck it up the nose (be sure not to leave your throat open as it could cause choking) and either blow it out the nose, or spit it out the mouth...kind of gross and sick, but for those with post nasal drip it could be effective.  For a soap water rinse you'd rinse with clean water, then a VERY MILD and low amount of soapy water (like a drop for 100-250 milliliters), and then clean water again.

Just some things that won't cure it immediately, but might aid in curing it faster.

Or of course you could spring for a doctor and go see them.  If it's a virus they could give you penicillin, if it's a bacteria, well, they could give you over the counter stuff to relieve the symptoms, but otherwise will probably tell you to wait it out.  The above are mostly herbal remedies and probably not approved by most doctors unless they are natural/herbal doctors.
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2004, 10:04:20 am »
Thought I should add something.  Your at the Academy right?  If you are a flyer forget the Nyquil or dayquil stuff without a doctors permission, same goes for the Echinea.  I'm not certain about the Zinc, that might be okay'd, not sure.

Seems you'll probably have to go with the Vitamin C (a few glasses of Orange juice could work to, just equal One 8 ounce glass equals one vitamin C drop).
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Offline dragoon

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2004, 03:00:29 pm »
I would suggest "contact" with a female...regular activity boosts your defenses by 50%.
If you have someone who's willing while you're ill.....then great. ;D
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Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2004, 06:49:18 pm »
Keeping in mind over-the-counter cold medicines don't cue the cold, only relieve the symptoms.

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Offline Iceman

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2004, 07:39:39 pm »
I would suggest "contact" with a female...regular activity boosts your defenses by 50%.
If you have someone who's willing while you're ill.....then great. ;D

Best suggestion ever! lol

Anyways, thanks for all the input guys. I've tried numerous things I usually do and nothings working really, although I DO feel better now than I did this morning.
Yeah, I'm not at the Academy I'm at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. (Worcester Massachusetts).
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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 08:23:49 pm »
Chicken soup...homemade preferable, but Cambell's will do...don't know if it's in the mind or body, but it has worked with me and my family...a couple cups a day

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2004, 10:48:25 pm »
No curfe for the common cold, and likely will not be one, at least not in the foreseeable future.  Vitamin C, lots of fluids, ample rest and eat well is the only way to make it go away, and it will take time.

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Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2004, 03:01:30 am »
I wouldn't want a cure for the cold. If our immune system doesn't have anything to fight it turns french.

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Offline Iceman

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2004, 07:14:14 am »
Well I know theres no 'cure' in the way you cure some diseases but some of the stuff people suggested are working. It seems to be fading. I couldn't find the vitamin C things so I bought a gallon of OJ and i've been drinking that non-stop almost, seems to be working.
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Offline Mike Nevil

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2004, 01:45:48 pm »
Stuffy-Moist heat fumes, Increase fluids, Nasel decongestants, Hot beverages vasodilators like coffee, tea, preferable, Warm heat applied to sinuses, Nose drops works wonders.
Coughing- Gargle chloroseptic for short term relief, Moist heat, Cough expectorants not cough suppresors. (you want the junk out of your windpipe, Menthol drops.
Sore throat- Garlic salt gargle, Heat Onions\garlic and breathe in the fumes. (heat on low, Towel over head over pan, breathe in fumes, (kills bacteria.)
Chili peppers.
Weakness- Rest, Deep breathing, limit activity, Eat steak.

Prevention- good hygiene, Vitamins, Garlic tea. Eat "hot foods". Mexicans get less colds then we do.  Echinacea helps a little with cold severity only, Though its very debatable. Some swear by hot toddies. Never tried it myself.

When I start having colds, I grind two tablespoons off of a garlic clove or use garlic powder and mix with 8 ounces water (one cup) Drink 3-4 cups a day. Intermixed with "chicken noodle soup".

So, I've got a 'common cold', aka stuffy, coughing, sore throat, weak, etc etc etc.
What do you guys have to cure it? I'm in school right now so I can't afford to get sick. Ya see we've got 7 week terms (3 classes at a time) and in 3 weeks I'll be taking finals. Not something I want to be sick for.
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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2004, 02:06:13 pm »
Some have already said it and you seem to be taking it, but Vitamin C is the best option.  I normally take Night Nurse and Day Nurse to relieve the symptoms, but also eat oranges and drink orange juice like mad.

Sex is also a good option, if you can get some.  I managed to stave off a cold before coming to the UK, and I attribute it to the amount of sex I was having at the time.
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Offline Iceman

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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2004, 04:59:24 pm »
While I didn't have sex, I can attest the 'female attention' worked pretty well. So did the vitamin C intake.
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Re: Common cold cures?
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2004, 01:46:44 am »
8 ounces of Ginsing root in a quart jar of moonshine. Throw away the ginsing and drink the 'shine. You'll forget all about the cold.  ;D

Seriously, Ive found that warm salt water works well. Gargling with it helps relieve a sore throat and snorting a little will open clogged sinus'. Drink plenty of OJ and eat some banannas (potassium-the body depletes potassium when you are ill).

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