Topic: Help Creating Ion Storms for SFCOP  (Read 2511 times)

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Offline Gold Hat

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Help Creating Ion Storms for SFCOP
« on: September 14, 2004, 02:07:05 pm »
What is the correct symbol to edit onto a map to create Ion Storm hexes.  It is not mentioned in the missionmap.cpp.  I think there is probably both a large and small one.  I suppose I could simply try all characters until I find it but I thought I'd ask if anyone knows.  Hmmm, could the correct symbol be be on the SFC3 missionmap.cpp?

Thanks in advance for nay help given!

Offline Gold Hat

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Re: Help Creating Ion Storms for SFCOP
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2004, 02:26:13 pm »
I looked into the SFC3 mission map.cpp, and .h files and found that creating the SFC3 map seems to be handled differently, no editing, rather that API use routines to add objects at particular map coordinates-- unfortunately not a help in my question about SFCOP although it looks fun and I will be tackling that soon, so the question still stands about OP, anyone know how to add the Ion Storms (which symbol to use for small or large Ion Storms).  As always, thanks in advance!

Gold Hat


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Re: Help Creating Ion Storms for SFCOP
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2004, 09:50:57 am »
Here are the map object codes that I use in the EEK missions:

Celestial Bodies:
IceAsteroid --> *
SmallAsteroid --> [ or a
LargeAsteroid --> ] or A
SmallBlackHole --> : or b
LargeBlackHole --> , or B
Sun1 --> (
Sun2 --> )
Sun3 --> !

Earth (Organia) --> 1
Ringed Earth --> 2
Mars --> 3
Jupiter --> 4
Dark Earth --> 5
Saturn --> 6
Night City --> 7
Fire --> 8
Ice --> 9
Gas --> 0

Nebula1 --> & or C
Nebula2 --> ?
LightDustCloud --> < or d
HeavyDustCloud --> > or D
Fissure --> $
Ion Storm --> {

WormHole --> % (No Damage)
Pulsar --> ~ (No Damage)
Organian --> ^ (No Damage)

Ion Storms use the "{" character.

Offline Gold Hat

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Re: Help Creating Ion Storms for SFCOP
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2004, 11:52:34 pm »
Thanks a million!  I like using Ion storms in place of nebulla, they do not have the ecm, or the bad effects on ship systems but they're even more dangerous! and make especially nasty palces in an actual nebula-- again thanks!