I have an friend who can get the Star Trek set (SFC1, SFC2 Demo, SF New Worlds, and SFA) for 1.98, including my favored way of shipping it would cost anywhere from 3 to 5 USD to ship. Notify me within the next 24 hours of this posting if you would want a copy. I think I can get up to 5 copies, 8 MAYBE, probably 3 definately.
I'd post in the SFC General Forum but no one ever seems to post there or respond anymore, or at least not much.
Respond in this thread in the affirmative if you desire such, and then send me a PM with name and address.
Time preferred would be within the next 15 hours, as even 24 hours could be stretching it perhaps. I checked today to make sure they were still available, and they were, but I'm not certain how much longer. These obviously were made with the US Win operating systems in mind.
I am also able to get Gamefest Forgotten Realms Classics if someone would want those to. If I get no responses, oh well. I will do my best to get the games to you if you respond.