Topic: StarWars Battelgrounds.  (Read 1067 times)

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StarWars Battelgrounds.
« on: September 21, 2004, 03:45:44 pm »
Since StarWars is the Theme for today, Has anyone picked up this game yet, and IF so, How is IT?

I'm thinking about grabbing It with Total War tomorrow as apposed to the Trilogy.

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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: StarWars Battelgrounds.
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2004, 05:31:02 pm »
I tried the game out on X-box and PS2 (didn't get a chance to try it out on the PC...sorry).  I'm mostly a pilot in Star Wars games, and I have to admit I wasn't too impressed.  However, most won't buy it for the starship battles (and no, I don't do MMORPG's and I won't get Jump to Lightspeed).  How to cover it.

The PS2 version didn't have graphics that were all that fact they looked rather shabby.  I'd give X-box the edge on the graphics.  When I asked them if the PC version had better graphical ability dependant on the PC, I didn't get much of an answer...though I would assume you could have a step up even from the X-box version.

You have a choice of 5 classes, each with it's strengths and weaknesses.  My biggest problem was that I couldn't figure out which button was the reload button for the consoles, which meant I ran out of ammo.  Overall, for the style of play I was doing, it would tend to be the soldier, or the sniper role (they aren't really called snipers, but do a similar thing) when playing on the ground.  The feeling is very Star Warsy for someone on the ground.  It feels as if you are one of those soldiers (that get mowed down by the dozen on both sides) in a Star Wars movie.  The battles are quick, fast and furious.

The vehicular combat is different.  I didn't get the chance to play in an AT-AT or AS-AT, but did do more of the tanks and speeder bikes.  They feel a little bit different than what I would have expected from the movies, they are far more maneuverable than I would have expected, and much more agile and mobile.  On the otherhand they do have similarities to the movies as well, it's hard to describe.

The starships aren't like flying at all.  However, I did find myself constantly hitting the slow button.  Unlike BF1942 the ships seem to stay in the air without you having to push the throttle or anything similar, which is nice.  You just hit a launch button and the ship flies by itself, you just need to determine whether you are going to speed up or slow down...however, you'll find yourself overflying the maps way to quickly...and this is one of the big advantages and disadvantages of the game.

The maps in the game are TINY.  They are miniscule comparatively to maps in BF1942 or just about any other game.  You can literally walk to command posts within a few seconds!  This means you overfly the map in a ship in about 5 seconds unless you are hitting the slow key.  It's easy to do fly by strafe shootings on ground troops, and I even did some dogfighting, but the maps are really really small.  This is good as well however, as it means the action is fast and furious.  You will be in battle almost the instant you spawn. 

You will have three different modes, Historical Battles, Galactic Conquest, and Instant Action.  I preferred Galactic Conquest for SP, and IA was okay for MP...not much experience to say what I really prefer.

Just some impressions from my trials with the games (it was the full version on both consoles).
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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