Topic: Okay, first draft is over, where is the link for the KCW page... I want to see..  (Read 1905 times)

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Offline FPF-AJTK

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...Which brand of bumpy-headed bastich I am going to be this time, hopefully the one with the most spandex-armored klinks that actually bathe.

A link for the KCW site stickied at the top would be nice, apologies if I have missed it. And is the first draft results posted there yet, or do we have to wait on the results of the trading first?

Thats kinda weird IMHO, a FULL, 100% draft.. but then we can trade peeps about to get them someplace other than where they were drafted...

Oh well, looking forward to killing Hexx, allied or not. (Assuming I can connect to THIS server, sigh.)
RE-VER-SE: To move backwards, retrograde; movement that is not forward in nature.


Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Just like in football really  :point:
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Just like in football really  :point:

Exactly,and the roster will not be published until after the trading is finished.
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Offline Hexx

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Don't worry AJ
I had you but traded you for "future consideration"
(Maybe Age will join up)
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Offline likkerpig

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Don't worry AJ
I had you but traded you for "future consideration"
(Maybe Age will join up)

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Don't worry AJ
I had you but traded you for "future consideration"
(Maybe Age will join up)

Hmmm, Hexx maybe Julin didn't give you the word yet, but I traded AJ back to him for you. I still have your cabin boy uniform all ready to go too. You still wear a size 2 speedo right?
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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The site is here:

It has been available since yesterday afternoon, posted in the other rules thread. The Rosters won't be available until trading is completed.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Offline Age

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  This will be my last post in the D2 forum other that the Enhancement Pack.I can't play online as I am on a shared ISP Connection.There are times in the day when I have to log off.I am shopping around for my own and due too personal and budgetary problems.It is going to take me more longer than I expected when ?I won't be posting in that much either except for two forums.I will be checking Pestalence's threads though.

  You won't have me to bash around anymore so go find some else.I only want to say this that I am still new when it comes to being on forums.I am still learning but I can't learn when I am being bullied or teased  .You want to boost your player base be nice to the new rookies it may help.

  I was only here to enjoy the company of Kim and her being fun to post with.      

Offline drb

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Hoi Age,

 I do hope you sort out your connection issue, SFC is too much fun for anyone to be left out.
 Your posts have created a bit of interest for myself as well as others. I tend to read your posts, trying to figure out where the grammer should go at times, and understand what you are saying for the most part. I have just assumed that the shared internet connection forces you to speed up your posting, thus leaving you little time for proofing. (On a few posts you seemed to have the time to proof your posts, and they read very well.) If I'm way off in my hasty conclusions I'm sorry, just calling it like I see it.
 It is clear that you have a passion for the game, and you have been keeping up with updates, patches, and mods. I am shore that you will pick up on the challenges p v p provide and go with it to a new enjoyment of the game. 
 I do hope that we see you out there soon.

 A bit of history about me. I had a spinal injury, was broke, and mostly isolated from everything for a few years. When I did get better, a great blessing, it took me another year to get on my feet enough to buy a computer, EAW followed by OP. Many moons passed before I posted here, or anywhere for that matter. So, that said, do what needs be first; then get connected so we can play and have a tonne of fun.

Take care


« Last Edit: September 23, 2004, 02:39:00 am by drb »

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Drb rights great love poems too. His posting should serve as an example should you return. That goes for the rest of you yahoos too.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.