Topic: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD  (Read 4454 times)

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2004, 07:49:26 pm »
No, it makes him stupid.  Greedo is less than three feet away with a pistol pointed right at his head.  HOW CAN HE MISS??!!  You don't give someone in that position the first shot.

How can Greedo miss?  Easy, that scoundrel Han Solo sold him the gun.  Would you sell a functional gun to a Greedo? 
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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2004, 11:10:25 pm »
I went and bough the DVD on Tuesday morning and have watched all four of them (including the bonus material which I'll get to at the end).

Now, I'm a die-hard Star Wars fan.  I fell in love with Luke Skywalker when I was young, and while being a decided geek and never wanting to miss school, I ditched school to see ESB and ROTJ.  In fact, we used my quadripeligic aunt to get to the front of the line isntead of having to wait outside.  I lept with joy at hearing about the prequel, went to see the special edition when it came out, and felt slightly sour after Episode 1.  Looking back, I see now why it wasn't made first, and appreciate the political manuevering and seeing just how the Republic became the Empire. I enjoyed AOTC, and have to say that Hayden was whiny, irritating, and almost insufferable, in other words perfectly done to see how Anakin became Dath Vader eventually.  Ewan McGregor, in my opinion, does great work as Obi-Wan, and makes seeing Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan in the original trilogy even more enjoyable.

Now, watching these on the big-screen televisions both grandmothers own has been extremely nice, and yes, I've watched each of them at least twice again.  Some of the changes were subtle enough I didn't catch them the first time around, others less subtle.  Frankly, I like the 'final' SE versions slightly better than the originals, although the originals are always going to be special because they are what I grew up on.  The second time I watched them with my second cousin Whitney and some of her friends aged 15-19.  For them, I think the things added with the SE made them more enjoyable to watch than if they'd just seen the originals. 

By the way, the reason it cost millions was that nearly every frame of the original films had to be re-mastered for DVD quality.  The original films are now dirty, aged, and worn, and if you want some idea of what they'd look like un-touched, go back and watch a video tape you recorded twenty years ago and see how crystal-clear it is now.  That's where millions of dollars went.

Now, as for the changes I really, really noticed:

1)  The Jabba/Han scene in Ep. 4 is MUCH better looking.  Yeah, the scene ain't really necessary, but it's nice because it tells us exactly WHY Jabba is so hot after Han's ass in Ep. 5, and why in Ep. 6 he ain't willing to bargain about letting Han go. 

Um, that's what a 15 year old guy said at that point in ROTJ.  His words were like "D'oh, Jabba ain't gonna let him go after Han broke the promise he made in the first movie."

2)  Boba's new voice - Yep, got to like the change.  It makes a LOT of sense. 

3)  Woot!  They changed the Emperor for the Holocam scene.  Much more in-line with everything else now.

4)  Vader/Kenobi Death Star Lightsaber Duel - The blades are a lot better looking now and the frames where you could see the actual sticks the actors used has been touched up.  I said it before, I'll say it again...Ben's death here is even more poignant after getting to know Kenobi through the prequels.

5)  Hayden appears with Yoda and Ben at the finale - (First...yeah, thought that was Naboo and shuddered at the gungan voice but oh well.)  Hayden's appearance is NOT Anakin from AOTC, it is Anakin from Episode III.  His hair is different and he does look older, though far younger than he would have been if he'd not become darth vader.  My bet is we're seeing Anakin at the last moment before he fell to the dark side, when Luke and Leia are just a month old and he does not know of their birth.  (woops, minor spoilage for Episode III). 

The 'Bonus' disk I have not fully explored yet, but it's just as good as the rest of the movies.  Hell, it's almost worth buying the whole dvd set for...


There's a teaser in Episode III teaser that had me in tears because I got to see what I've been dreaming of ever since ROTJ ended.  All Star Wars fans know Anakin fell to the dark side and fought Obi-wan Kenobi.  During that fight, he was pushed or fell into a lava pit, lava shower, or something like that, and badly burned so that he had to have special life support and bionic implants in order to live.  Thus, his black suit, his helmet, and the final transformation from Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader.  The episode III teaser is about that transformation. 

There's a lot of Lucas babbling on, a lot of background, we see Jake Lloyd's childish Anakin, we see the AOTC Anakin, we see the Original Trilogy's Darth Vader.  What really got me though, was the shots of Hayden in his new Darth Vader outfit (yeah, they made the new one for him to wear).  Also, the fight scenes between him and Obi-Wan, against the blue and green screens was very wonderful to see...Overall...that was worth half the cost of the set right there...

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2004, 09:48:14 am »
No, it makes him stupid.  Greedo is less than three feet away with a pistol pointed right at his head.  HOW CAN HE MISS??!!  You don't give someone in that position the first shot.

How can Greedo miss?  Easy, that scoundrel Han Solo sold him the gun.  Would you sell a functional gun to a Greedo? 

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Oh, geez, that's got to be worth more karma.

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2004, 06:45:36 pm »
Oh, and my favorite reaction to ESB was "No effing way that's his father!"

Seems some things don't change despite all the years...
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Offline Nemesis

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2004, 07:28:40 pm »
No, it makes him stupid.  Greedo is less than three feet away with a pistol pointed right at his head.  HOW CAN HE MISS??!!  You don't give someone in that position the first shot.

How can Greedo miss?  Easy, that scoundrel Han Solo sold him the gun.  Would you sell a functional gun to a Greedo? 

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Oh, geez, that's got to be worth more karma.


Han may have been a scoundrel in the beginning but he was never STUPID.  ;)

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2004, 07:41:11 pm »
Did anyone else catch the GREEN lightsaber in Lukes hands the first time you see him holding it in the Millennium Falcon? Yeah, who the hell edited that section?
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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2004, 07:50:12 pm »
Bob the color-blind editing director.

And we'll thank you not to stare.

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Offline Iceman

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2004, 07:21:19 am »
One would hope more than one person reviewed the darn thing. Its so disappointing to see lack of attention like that.
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Offline Harlax

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2004, 10:45:33 pm »
One would hope more than one person reviewed the darn thing. Its so disappointing to see lack of attention like that.

No, no, no.  Its not lack of attention to detail, its an insidious plot.  You see in 10 years they can rerelease it all again to clean up the "errata."  Kind of like SFB.......
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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2004, 06:39:05 am »
One would hope more than one person reviewed the darn thing. Its so disappointing to see lack of attention like that.

No, no, no.  Its not lack of attention to detail, its an insidious plot.  You see in 10 years they can rerelease it all again to clean up the "errata."  Kind of like SFB.......


Also, I watched the entire 150 minutes documentary on the 'bonus' material DVD. It's pretty cool, but they dedicated about and hour each to "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back" and divy up the rest between Ep 1-3 and Return of the Jedi. I would have liked to see more on ALL of those.
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Offline Harlax

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2004, 06:44:19 am »
I'm waiting for these lines to appear in a new or reedited Star Wars movie.

Vader "I sense a great distrubance in the Force.  Send the fleet to Tatooine immediately!"
Admiral "Tatooine, why Tatooine?"
Vader "Admiral, a careful study of history show that during ANY crisis, something is always happening on Tatooine.  Send the fleet NOW!"
We have been told that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare.  Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true.

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2004, 07:36:15 am »
I'm waiting for these lines to appear in a new or reedited Star Wars movie.

Vader "I sense a great distrubance in the Force.  Send the fleet to Tatooine immediately!"
Admiral "Tatooine, why Tatooine?"
Vader "Admiral, a careful study of history show that during ANY crisis, something is always happening on Tatooine.  Send the fleet NOW!"

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :thumbsup:

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline TheJudge

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Re: Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2004, 11:22:44 pm »
Vader:  I sense a great disturbance in the force.

Admiral:  Sir, are you sure it wasn't the chili we had for dinner?  I'm feeling a little discombobulated.

Snap!  Hiss!  Thump.

Captain:  Lord Vader?

Vader:  You are in command now, Admiral.

New Admiral:  Yes sir.

Vader:  Remember, Admiral, never ask to be disemboweled.

New Admiral:  Sir, he said 'discombobulated'.

Snap!  Hiss!  Thump!

Vader: *sigh*, it's so hard to find good help these days.  The Admiral was right though, now that I think about it, it was the chili. 

Stormtrooper over secure radio headset:  This is why the emperor makes sure our helmets have built-in gas masks.
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