No the ships I have been working on have no shields. And I have no problems in not adding them. Just wanted to see what others thought of the idea. But how I've currently worked the armour strength is:
Frigates: (approx. 28 ships in this class)
Sagittarius and Ananke Class (Minimum 5 to maximum 15 Armour)
Oracle Class (Minimum 8 to maximum 15)
Olympus Class (Minimum 15 to Maximum 25)
Light Cruisers: (approx. 18 ships in this class)
Hyperion Class (Minimum 25 to maximum 35)
Heavy Cruisers: (approx. 11 ships in this class. Currently reviewing more SCS's)
Omega Class (Minimum 35 to maximum 45)
Avenger Class (Minimum 30 to maximum 40)
Dreadnoughts:(approx. 11 ships in the class)
Nova Class (Minimum 45 to maximum 55)
Orpheus/Medusa (Minimum 50 to maximum 60)
Warlock Class (Minimum 45 to maximum 55)
Now onto the speed of the ships.
Most of the reading I've done, refers to the EA ships obtaining speeds of 2.93 G's, 4.4 G's etc..... . Initially to model this, I used the math of (1 G = 10 speed), so a ship the had an acceleration of maximum of 2.93 G's, in game would have a speed of 20.89(it was the closest I could get).
The math I am currently using is (ie. 2.93 G would by moving the decimal over one would represent a speed of 29 (rounding up/down as required)). This figure is then divided in half to produce a final speed.
4.4 G would be represented by ( Speed 44 divided by 2 = total speed of 22 in the game.)
So most of the ships in the game would operate between roughly 14/15 to approximately 22, with fighters operating between 29 to 31.
If your curious about some of the information please go to This is where I got a fair bit of information of the ships of the B5 universe.
Oh a quick side note. I've been doing some research into doing a Dilgar/Earth campaign. And it seems that a good portion of the Dilgar ships bear a resemblance to Mirak ships. COINCIDENCE???