Distinguished players,
If it seems that everyone is getting on a Civil War bandwagon, this would seem to be one of them.
However, in case everyone was not in the know, Hooch always wished to do a Klingon Civil War. He then approached me and I told him it could be done and provided him with a draft shiplist which was tested by members of the SSCF for stability, models, etc..... . And low and behold it worked

As an avid fan of Babylon 5, I've always thought of doing a campaign based on that theme. So, I figured I do a campaign based on Season 4 of Babylon 5 in which the Shadows have been defeated, and Captain Sheridan goes about to free Earth from the rule of President Clark or Jinn.

. Take your pick

I am currently researching all information and trying to make this as close as possible.
Ships to be used:(Not cast in stone)
and of course fighters. Lots of fighters.

as for weapons I intent to match closely as possible the loadouts for all.
This is the only good reference
http://patter.mine.nu/sweapon.htm I've been able to find so for example:
Medium Plasma Cannon will be represented by PH 1's
Medium Pulse Cannon will be represented by G Phr's
and so on.
Initial screens are done and will be posted as soon as possible.