Hey Bro and fellow forum members,
In SW Texas SSG Adams and I saw a bunch of oil pumps in the desert north of Big Bend country, as well as silver mines and electric generating windmills. You being an oilman your whole life, is there any land left in Texas that I can purchase and set up a drilling operation or maybe buy some land that has potential silver deposits? Just curious if my generation is left out of the game since a lot of these places have already been surveyed.
BTW, I highly recommend the top of the line Cobra radar and laser detector for your vehicles, I made the 10 hour Austin to El Paso run that normally takes 9-10 hours in 7 hours! Yeeeehaaaawwwww. It is about 100 at Best Buy and is worth every single penny, I can't drive 55 and not only did I smoke the American smokies I really got over on the Federales as they use the K band only radar. Silly Mexicans, tricks are for nacos. Hehehehehehe.
Had a great vacation in Austin and the lake and Hill Country, and I will be buying land as well as keeping up with my investments on the markets. God truly blessed us this year my brother, you got you oil going sky high and I inherited mucho dinero and I got my 2 year med review from VA passed no questions asked! The first part of the year was rough, but it all paid off.
I hope everyone is doing well, and don't forget to vote! Yes GW and Dracho, I keep your words of wisdom and experience close to heart.
God bless all,