Actually, she's got 169,000 on her now- I bought her used, four years old. I've seen alot of cutlasses on the road as old or older and in fine shape still, the rust on mine seems a bit unique. After I brought it into an autobody shop last winter I think I know the reason. When I bought the Cutlass I asked for any info on whether the body had been redone, intending to buy it regardless. Just the same, I was told "no, nothing has been doen to this car."
last winter, though, the body man was talking to me and pointed out that the ENTIRE passenger side had been redone and replaced once before,a nd someone skimped on the paint job, and that is why it's rusting out. At this point, the passenger side door and rear fender are the only parts that will need replacement. Rust bubbles have just started to poke up on the rear fender.
The salt thing really irritates me. I've heard that there are salt alternatives that work just as well and don't have the nasty side effects of rust, but MN refuses to use them. I've also heard that North Dakota uses some sort of alternative, and therefore many vehicles up that way have little to no rust. If this is true, and ND can afford it, then why the hell can't MN?
Buses in MN are difficult to come by, except there is a small showing of them now for commuters who go into the cities everymorning, which I am not. I have two options: drive my car, or bike in to school 21 miles. I suppose I could get a snowmobile for the winter, except all the towns around me, in their infinite wisdom, have outlawed ATV and snowmobile use within their limits. Oh yeah, I could also walk. Public transportation around here is next to non existant. They've made some improvements over the last few years, but an actual mass transit system is decades away. That's one of the reasons why the minneapolis/St Paul area ranks up there with the worst moetropolitan areas as far as bumper to bumper traffic, despite the significantly lower population of our metro area.