The biggest thing I would like to see introduced to the mainstream servers would be PFs and PF tenders for all empires. I think that the variety will make some PvP combat much more interesting at times. Every empire would certainly see the difference PFs can make in a server where mutiple ship fleets are allowed. There's just nothing like a PF fleet spearheaded by big cruiser or DN. Ahhh, the good ole days.
Yes, I do know that the loudest cries of "CHEESE" came during mutiple ship servers, but damn, there were some intense pvp fleet battles. If we could introduce some PBR (patrol battle rules), it might help some.
Also, if the PFs are introduced to races that don't normally get them offered, the PF tenders really need to be looked at closely. If the tender does not complement the PFs some then they are useless. Example, the klink PF tenders used in GW3, armed only with 4 dizzies and some phasers with not enough power to arm the dizzies and maintain any decent speed (in my book, spd 20+).
If those klink PF tenders had 2 dizzies replaced by 1 ADD rack, or 1 Drone rack, the weapon array would be much more compatable to the power curve. (and ultimately, more useful.) Hell, I would even be in favor of taking all 4 dizzies off and giving the tender 2 drone racks and 1 ADD rack (with same phasers and power). You might really see some people fly them then.
My whole point here with the PF tenders would be: Fine tune each tender and PFs to each race. (and ultimately those races' pilots)
Also, if PFs are available on a more widespread basis, the types of PF tenders available IMHO should be like this:
2 Variants based on War destroyer hull with 4 PFs
2 Casual PF tenders based on Light cruiser or heavy cruiser hull (casual tender 2 PFs only)
1 Full PF carrier based on heavy cruiser hull.
PFs for all, but balanced for fair play.
Just my humble thoughts,