Topic: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit  (Read 2519 times)

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Heavens Eagle

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A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« on: September 08, 2004, 12:59:33 am »

I have actually tried to do the asking before and got answers that it seemed like it would be OK, but could not ever get anything past that.  I guess it was things going crash as Taldren closed.

What we really wanted to do was to be able to view the model in ShipEdit with a different backround (than the flippin' ELECTRIC BLUE color and also maybe make it where the window could be a little bigger. Not neccessarily any open source over the net, just an additional feature that would finish out this mod utility.  If anyone out there can give me a real answer on this, it would be appreciated.  I am in contact with some folks, but still it would be nice to know for sure.

Heck with some hints Remus might be able to just build a viewer.  ;)

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2004, 01:09:16 am »
I hope that you can get somewhere with this. Your utilities are great. Where'd we all be without shipedit?

I'd also like to see an OP version of FMSE sometime. If it could have the ability to write scripts for campaigns we'd really be able to have some fun.
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Heavens Eagle

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2004, 05:44:19 pm »
FMSE unfortunately is not going to happen.  The ShipEdit that is (somewhat) being worked on will support the final versions of both EAW and OP.  Not to hard to do really.  The main problem we had prior to this was that everything changed every 30 days.  Usually we wouldn't find out what and how till it had been out in folks hands for 2 weeks and we would get bug reports that were really "The game changed again" reports.  Burnout and then real life set in big time.  So while it is being toyed with, ShipEdit is still only in an Alpha for final and last release.

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 03:18:09 am »
First of all...let me speak for the hundreds of still active users and THANK YOU for doing SHIP is the basis of every "serious" online campaign played today..

Second...Too bad FSME is out of the question....

Would large donations of beer help with its resurection for OP?  ;D

Would you consider getting the sources used for SFME to a quaified and respected scripter? maybe an FSME:OP could be done?

*this is hard to do as a klingon* ::)

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Offline J. Carney

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2004, 04:30:52 pm »
Hot Dawg... an new ShipEdit... *drool*

I still remember the ShipEdit .9 BETA release for SFC 1- nothing but a single screen full of drop-down boxes!

Thanks for all the great work, HE! We'd all be lost without you!
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2004, 11:15:26 pm »
so its a good 6 month before its finish?, it will be cool that you can see the ship will you do change to the shiplist, since taldren is kinda no longer there you will need to crak the code for mod viewer so the small change can be made, i don't how to do or know nayone who can do it, unless whe can ask hacker if the can do that for us?.

Heavens Eagle

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2004, 11:44:20 pm »
I didn't say it would be 6 months.  It might be never.  As the current version of the program I used for all the graphics has a major bug in it that really causes it to be royal pain in the arse hassle to use.  They do updates periodically, but so far have ignored the problem with the alignment tool.  The only part that works correctly is align to top or left side. The rest of the positions, center vertical or horizontal, and align to bottom and right don't work.

I have bitch on the Deneba forums about this now for a while and while folks have acknowledged the problem it is still no fixy.  Makes it rather hard to get excited about doing artwork when the program is "F"d.

Just an FYI the program I did all the artwork in is Canvas which is now version 9.  Every version since 6 has had some bugs, but this one finally broke one of my main tools.

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2004, 02:15:26 am »
Not to overload you HE....but a feature request if I may be so bold...

Could you add the TRB (tractor repulsar beams easter egg for OP) to the weapons menus?

They can be added by hand...but such a feature would greatly aid quite a few people..


Heavens Eagle

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2004, 08:55:36 pm »
The TR weapon is already part of it.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2004, 08:58:53 pm »
What about the additional weapon's arcs that've been added? Did you add them too? :notworthy:
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Heavens Eagle

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2004, 09:14:31 pm »
I'm aware of all the things that have been added.  Got with Firesoul quite a while back.  The biggest problem is going through all the UI's and making sure that they are correct.  The involves doing special setups in the shiplist file and going through each ship type UI twice (once for phasers and once with heavy weapons).
This is very time consuming.  That is something that is in very short supply these days as well as desire to go through it all (twice once for EAW and once for OP) again.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2004, 09:31:36 pm »
OK. Not trying to bug ya. The current ShipEdit has served me fine. I just didn't know exactly what you were doing.
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2004, 06:47:15 pm »
TRL/TRH are going to make me giddy.

Sad to see no FMSE:OP, but I guess we have to take what we can get :).

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2004, 06:58:14 pm »
Heaven's Eagle -

I can see about getting you a donation of some type..   

maybe.   Would that help?
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Offline Stylsy

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2004, 07:12:37 pm »
I would definitley donate some cash to see a FMSE for Orion Pirates, or any similar mission editor produced. It provided me with countless hours of additional game time for EaW, and I released 75 Missions for the game.

It would definitley extend the life of OP that little bit more in my opinion.

Good to see you around again HE!

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Re: A simple request for model viewer source to use in ShipEdit
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2004, 12:19:38 pm »

Just an FYI the program I did all the artwork in is Canvas which is now version 9.  Every version since 6 has had some bugs, but this one finally broke one of my main tools.

Is it possible to simply use the older version that worked, and that you were more comfortable with? 

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