I took the server back off of the router to see if that helps Kroma's connection problems.
In tomorrow's clean, I'll try to adjust the frequency at which backups are made of the database. How far back in time a server goes at restart is a function of how long it has been since the last backup. Even a "normal" server crash has to restart from the last backup. I set the backups to only every 30 minutes, hoping to minimize the load on the platform. So, if the server crashes at just the right time, you can lose 30 minutes.
However, given the power problems I've had this weekend, in hindsight that probably wasn't a good idea. I'll set i to every 10 minutes next time I clean or next time a crash happens. (Whichever comes first.)
Next time I clean I'll also edit the DB to add some pirate cartel hexes. That should slow the number of times that races change position, since currently the pirates all have the same econ (0) and so the server seems to keep recalculation who is ahead of whom. That should slow the amount of messages in the news.