Topic: Removal of my sig pic  (Read 34809 times)

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #160 on: September 19, 2004, 10:58:56 pm »
Well put, JD and Crim. Religion aside, logic dictates that a lax attitude toward sex inevitably leads to various hardships such as teen-age parenthood, chronic disease, and ,in the worst case, death. Unfortunately for the poor people involved, numerous instances have demonstrated that sex quite literally can kill. I'll grant you, Kroma, ignorance concerning sex doesn't prevent any of these things, but may actually aggravate the situation in many cases. In fact, I refuse to have any sort of sexual intercourse outside of marriage just because I'm familiar with the subject and am well aware of the potential consequences of sex, both good and ill. However, it doesn't necessarily follow that knowledge about sex translates directly into iron-clad protection from the repercussions thereof. Sex is a wonderful thing and it has its purpose, but, like anything else, if it's treated too lightly someone's gonna get hurt one way or the other.

Thus is wrong. Asian and African cultures have very strict cultural mores about sex and they have by far the worst problems, specifically with AID's.

Oh so very wrong.

Astoundingly wrong in fact.

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #161 on: September 19, 2004, 11:00:47 pm »
Well put, JD and Crim. Religion aside, logic dictates that a lax attitude toward sex inevitably leads to various hardships such as teen-age parenthood, chronic disease, and ,in the worst case, death. Unfortunately for the poor people involved, numerous instances have demonstrated that sex quite literally can kill. I'll grant you, Kroma, ignorance concerning sex doesn't prevent any of these things, but may actually aggravate the situation in many cases. In fact, I refuse to have any sort of sexual intercourse outside of marriage just because I'm familiar with the subject and am well aware of the potential consequences of sex, both good and ill. However, it doesn't necessarily follow that knowledge about sex translates directly into iron-clad protection from the repercussions thereof. Sex is a wonderful thing and it has its purpose, but, like anything else, if it's treated too lightly someone's gonna get hurt one way or the other.

If tomorrow, a new wonder drug was invented that removed the threat of all sexually transmissable disease and a foolproof method of complete birth control made available to absolutely every single person on this planet, would you still hold the same views?
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #162 on: September 19, 2004, 11:11:16 pm »

Well, I suspect to get more negative Karma but here goes...

I do not go to church.  I own a bible, but have not read it recently.  But I read your post and came to exactly the same conclusion that Crim did.

Then you came to the same erroneous conclusion. One that is not based in anything but the preconceived notions that our in your own head not my words.


The truth is, you are more religious than I am.  You blindly hold onto YOUR truths without thinking.

I have never spoke of my relgiion or anyone elses, so once again you are bring your own biases to this. I have only spoken about ideology and the need of some to inflict their own on others.

You believe that people are going to have sex, no matter what.  You believe people are no better than animals and are going to have sex.  I believe that we, as human beings can make a choice to have sex or not. 

Once again, you are presenting beliefs that I have never espoused and do not have. Where exactly did I say or imply any of this. I not only believe that people can make choices, but should be allowed to make those choices for themselves. That is where our ideologies differ. I am simply not comfortable forcing others into my own ideology, for am I comfortable being forced into anyone else?s.

To you, that makes me a religious nut. 

No just a nut. I never brought religion into it. Just the idea that some people want to force their beliefs on to others, which is very much what the Taliban did to the people of Afganistain. The only difference is matters of degree, and the fact that they had the power to do so.

So I must be a right winger or talaban....

If you say so. I never called anyone a right winger or taliban. I simply made a comparison of the needs of some to inflict their own beliefs on to others in much the same way as the talibans need to do the same.

I believe that people make choices every day.  It's your life.

I believe this too.

I dream of one day when you can turn "Jerry Springer" on and some guy will step up and say,  " You know, My mom was OK,  My dad was OK, I'm just a S4it head..."

Me too, but unfortunately as long as we keep blaming pictures of boobies for our own corrupt hearts this will not happen.

It's time to get your head out of the tutu.  According to the (the world health org) Europe is headed for a Aids problem of biblical proportions.  In part due to IV drug use and lack of "safe sex."

And you have jumped to the conclusion that this is do to the fact that they have TV shows that show boobies. If not then I fail to see the relevance.

You want to stop AIDS?  Have people who have AIDS stop giving it to other people. 

...or have people without it stop getting it from people with it. It is about choices. Much like the choice someone who is offended by a picture of boobies could make by either not viewing them or turning off thier sigs so they would not show up. You are trying to make the choice for someone else, that is what the taliban did. They inflicted their choices on others. I am pretty certain though, that no one ever got AIDS from cartoon boobies. Does the WHO have facts to the contrary?

Yes, that means get your A$$ tested and if you are HIV positive, stop having sex or find a partner that is willing to share....

Ok, as recent as 4 years ago  this site  (*****  Warning do not click this unless you are willing to be offended  *******)  Warned that behavior could very well cause an increase of HIV cases.  Guess what?  And it's ALL ABOUT THE CHOICES WE MAKE.

What does this have to do with cartoon boobies exactly? Are you implying that first it is cartoon boobies, and before you know it you will be having unprotected homosexual intercourse. Talk about your leaps of logic. LOL.

Look, I want to take religion out of it and have people make smart choices. 

Then stop making it about religion, I didn't. I believe though you aren't really about having people make choices unless they are the same choices you would make, which isn't choice. That would be control.

But in your eyes, that makes me a religious biggot....

Once again someone is projecting their own beliefs and personel demons into what they want to think I have said. This says more about what you fear you may be than what I said you were. I just want the right to make my own choices, even if they differ from yours, and so long as they cause no harm to others. I don't believe viewing cartoon boobies ever hurt anyone. Does the WHO have differing information on this?
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #163 on: September 19, 2004, 11:17:59 pm »
Well put, JD and Crim. Religion aside, logic dictates that a lax attitude toward sex inevitably leads to various hardships such as teen-age parenthood, chronic disease, and ,in the worst case, death.

Pick up a copy of Copi's text on logic. This is not logic dictating anything, it is anecdotal reasoning, big difference.

Unfortunately for the poor people involved, numerous instances have demonstrated that sex quite literally can kill. I'll grant you, Kroma, ignorance concerning sex doesn't prevent any of these things, but may actually aggravate the situation in many cases. In fact, I refuse to have any sort of sexual intercourse outside of marriage just because I'm familiar with the subject and am well aware of the potential consequences of sex, both good and ill. However, it doesn't necessarily follow that knowledge about sex translates directly into iron-clad protection from the repercussions thereof. Sex is a wonderful thing and it has its purpose, but, like anything else, if it's treated too lightly someone's gonna get hurt one way or the other.

LeRoy just for the record, you can't get pregnant from viewing cartoon boobies. In fact, viewing of cartoon boobies isn't sex at all, nor is actual viewing of real boobies (I think this is only second base or so, maybe halfway between first and second, if they are real that is).
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #164 on: September 19, 2004, 11:22:00 pm »

If tomorrow, a new wonder drug was invented that removed the threat of all sexually transmissable disease and a foolproof method of complete birth control made available to absolutely every single person on this planet, would you still hold the same views?

An interesting question. I would answer yes I would still hold the same views, that sex is a serious issue for anyone to undertake, regardless of the more dire consequences listed above. It should still only be between consenting adults of sound mind and the abiltiy to make their own choices. And that cartoon boobies are still not pornography, nor the viewing of them sexual.
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #165 on: September 19, 2004, 11:35:57 pm »
Well put, JD and Crim. Religion aside, logic dictates that a lax attitude toward sex inevitably leads to various hardships such as teen-age parenthood, chronic disease, and ,in the worst case, death. Unfortunately for the poor people involved, numerous instances have demonstrated that sex quite literally can kill. I'll grant you, Kroma, ignorance concerning sex doesn't prevent any of these things, but may actually aggravate the situation in many cases. In fact, I refuse to have any sort of sexual intercourse outside of marriage just because I'm familiar with the subject and am well aware of the potential consequences of sex, both good and ill. However, it doesn't necessarily follow that knowledge about sex translates directly into iron-clad protection from the repercussions thereof. Sex is a wonderful thing and it has its purpose, but, like anything else, if it's treated too lightly someone's gonna get hurt one way or the other.

If tomorrow, a new wonder drug was invented that removed the threat of all sexually transmissable disease and a foolproof method of complete birth control made available to absolutely every single person on this planet, would you still hold the same views?

When pigs fly I'll let ya know ;)

All kidding aside, though, my personality and beliefs tend toward monogamy regardless of any sort of wonder drugs and preventative measures. I would prefer to remain faithful to the same mate for the full duration of my natural life. To me it's a more appealing, fulfilling, and life-affirming lifestyle and it's what I look forward to in my future. Of course, that's just me and I don't expect anyone to act and believe just like me. As far as anyone else is concerned, to each his own as long as the way of life that I adhere to is not endangered and my right to disagree is not infringed upon. In brief: no, my views would not change because there are many results of sex that exist outside of the physical and lie within the emotional, and there's no possible wonder drug that can fix hurt feelings and emotional scarring.

Now enough is of this mushy philosophical nonsense. Let's git back to our regularly scheduled flamin' and killin' eachother on the Dyna ;D

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #166 on: September 19, 2004, 11:36:09 pm »
If tomorrow, a new wonder drug was invented that removed the threat of all sexually transmissable disease and a foolproof method of complete birth control made available to absolutely every single person on this planet, would you still hold the same views?

Could me views become even more debaucherous?   ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #167 on: September 19, 2004, 11:40:58 pm »
If tomorrow, a new wonder drug was invented that removed the threat of all sexually transmissable disease and a foolproof method of complete birth control made available to absolutely every single person on this planet, would you still hold the same views?

Could me views become even more debaucherous?   ;D

Not unless they got a cure for rabies and distemper in there to boot. Back to the lab I guess.
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #168 on: September 19, 2004, 11:44:51 pm »
I don't believe viewing cartoon boobies ever hurt anyone.

I don't know, but reading your post it seems you have "cartoon boobies" envy....  

You only used the word "boobies" 11 times in one post.....

Nothing else of substance...


Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #169 on: September 19, 2004, 11:46:12 pm »

All kidding aside, though, my personality and beliefs tend toward monogamy regardless of any sort of wonder drugs and preventative measures. I would prefer to remain faithful to the same mate for the full duration of my natural life. To me it's a more appealing, fulfilling, and life-affirming lifestyle and it's what I look forward to in my future. Of course, that's just me and I don't expect anyone to act and believe just like me. As far as anyone else is concerned, to each his own as long as the way of life that I adhere to is not endangered and my right to disagree is not infringed upon. In brief: no, my views would not change because there are many results of sex that exist outside of the physical and lie within the emotional, and there's no possible wonder drug that can fix hurt feelings and emotional scarring.

Yeah that's cool, but I have never been a one set of cartoon boobies kind of guy. I tend to "get around" when it comes to cartoon boobies. I guess that makes me an emotionally bankrupt slut.
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #170 on: September 19, 2004, 11:49:54 pm »

All kidding aside, though, my personality and beliefs tend toward monogamy regardless of any sort of wonder drugs and preventative measures. I would prefer to remain faithful to the same mate for the full duration of my natural life. To me it's a more appealing, fulfilling, and life-affirming lifestyle and it's what I look forward to in my future. Of course, that's just me and I don't expect anyone to act and believe just like me. As far as anyone else is concerned, to each his own as long as the way of life that I adhere to is not endangered and my right to disagree is not infringed upon. In brief: no, my views would not change because there are many results of sex that exist outside of the physical and lie within the emotional, and there's no possible wonder drug that can fix hurt feelings and emotional scarring.

Yeah that's cool, but I have never been a one set of cartoon boobies kind of guy. I tend to "get around" when it comes to cartoon boobies. I guess that makes me an emotionally bankrupt slut.

Are ya tryin' to put words in my mouth or are ya just kiddin' around? I'll just presume yer doin' the latter :lol: ;D ;)

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #171 on: September 19, 2004, 11:55:31 pm »
I don't believe viewing cartoon boobies ever hurt anyone.

I don't know, but reading your post it seems you have "cartoon boobies" envy.... 

You only used the word "boobies" 11 times in one post.....

I just wanted to make sure you recalled what the uproar was over, and what exactly it was that was so dangerous to society that it requires censorship. It appeared that you thought I was having some sort of unprotected anal sex in Tracey's sig from the contents of your post.

Nothing else of substance...

Well nothing that you are capable of (or maybe just "willing to") understanding anyway.
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #172 on: September 19, 2004, 11:58:56 pm »

 I'll just presume yer doin' the latter :lol: ;D ;)

You presume right.  :P
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #173 on: September 19, 2004, 11:59:15 pm »
So is nudity porno or not? I have a whole bunch of nude pics i wana post. (of me).
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #174 on: September 20, 2004, 12:00:08 am »
So is nudity porno or not? I have a whole bunch of nude pics i wana post. (of me).

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #175 on: September 20, 2004, 12:01:09 am »

When pigs fly I'll let ya know ;)

All kidding aside, though, my personality and beliefs tend toward monogamy regardless of any sort of wonder drugs and preventative measures. I would prefer to remain faithful to the same mate for the full duration of my natural life. To me it's a more appealing, fulfilling, and life-affirming lifestyle and it's what I look forward to in my future. Of course, that's just me and I don't expect anyone to act and believe just like me. As far as anyone else is concerned, to each his own as long as the way of life that I adhere to is not endangered and my right to disagree is not infringed upon. In brief: no, my views would not change because there are many results of sex that exist outside of the physical and lie within the emotional, and there's no possible wonder drug that can fix hurt feelings and emotional scarring.

Now enough is of this mushy philosophical nonsense. Let's git back to our regularly scheduled flamin' and killin' eachother on the Dyna ;D

Good point you make here, although would you permit others who hold disimilar views to freely voice and demonstrate such views in public?
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #176 on: September 20, 2004, 12:06:05 am »
So is nudity porno or not? I have a whole bunch of nude pics i wana post. (of me).

Sure, go ahead, post your baby pics, but please, no diaper changing pics.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #177 on: September 20, 2004, 12:06:26 am »
Good point you make here, although would you permit others who hold disimilar views to freely voice and demonstrate such views in public?

That is the real question at hand here. I know what the Taliban would answer.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #178 on: September 20, 2004, 12:11:44 am »
So is nudity porno or not? I have a whole bunch of nude pics i wana post. (of me).

If I ain't mistaken that you be illegal do to your age, and would thus be considered child pornography even if the pictures did not depict sexual acts.


PS, Anyone want to see a picture of me in a diaper. Just give me the word and I'll break out the digital camera and leftover diapers (my 3 year old just graduated to panties, but we still have a small supply of Princess pullups).
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #179 on: September 20, 2004, 12:15:09 am »

When pigs fly I'll let ya know ;)

All kidding aside, though, my personality and beliefs tend toward monogamy regardless of any sort of wonder drugs and preventative measures. I would prefer to remain faithful to the same mate for the full duration of my natural life. To me it's a more appealing, fulfilling, and life-affirming lifestyle and it's what I look forward to in my future. Of course, that's just me and I don't expect anyone to act and believe just like me. As far as anyone else is concerned, to each his own as long as the way of life that I adhere to is not endangered and my right to disagree is not infringed upon. In brief: no, my views would not change because there are many results of sex that exist outside of the physical and lie within the emotional, and there's no possible wonder drug that can fix hurt feelings and emotional scarring.

Now enough is of this mushy philosophical nonsense. Let's git back to our regularly scheduled flamin' and killin' eachother on the Dyna ;D

Good point you make here, although would you permit others who hold disimilar views to freely voice and demonstrate such views in public?

The mere act of demonstration on the part of an opposing crowd in no way endangers my way of life, thus I wouldn't care if they demonstrated 'till they were blue in the face. However, the big rub comes in if said opposing group seeks to legislate against my way of life. It's at that point when I come out swingin'... with my voter registration card.